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The sun was starting to set when Gisborne woke. He felt Alex's hand rubbing his upper back and along his shoulders. Neither of them had moved.

"Am I dreaming?"

"Not that I am aware of."

Sitting up, he stretched. "You look peaceful Alex."

"I am."

"I have never understood you."

"What is there to understand?"

"You could have died by my hand today. Yet, you held me and permitted me to confess so many of my sins. And still you sit, with me."

"There is not a one of us that is without sin. We will all stand before God marked as sinners. You have had your absolutions from me." She smiled gently. "Now it's time to absolve yourself. I would say find a priest, but I do not trust them. Their morals are nonexistent."

"Alexandria, marry me."

"Guy, I cannot. You know this. You are betrothed to another as it is. Is your marriage not just days from becoming final?"

"Yes." He glowered at her.

"Fear not Guy of Gisborne. You will have your wife soon. Marian is it? She is a beautiful woman."

"She isn't you."

"You should be thankful for that. I am not easily managed as a good wife should be." Rising as she spoke, Alexandria started to remove the clothing and jewels to change back into her leathers.

Gisborne placed his hands on her unclad hips while resting his chin on her shoulder. "Do not go Alex, I ask that of you."

"I have to. You need to fulfil your life as it should be." She pulled on her riding breeches. "I need to find my men."

"Is your lover amongst them?"

Alex turned sharply. "Look at me Guy of Gisborne. I have never had a lover. It's doubtful that I ever will. I am past the age to marry properly. I have love for my men. Yet, it is a sisterly and sometimes motherly love. I gave one man my heart so many years ago, that will be in your possession until we both depart from this land."

"One time Alex. Lay with me one time. Permit me to know what I have lost. I am not suggesting sex, my Alexandria. Just sleep in my arms one time. Allow me to awake with your scent and warmth."

She hesitated. Gisborne could see that she did.

"Please my love. That is my last wish."

"Ach! Why have I always had such a difficult time denying you Guy?!"

"Because you know how I feel. Just as I know how you feel."

She gave him a mock scowl. "Very well. Just not here please. May we return to your home?"

"Anywhere you wish to go, I am but your loyal servant."

Guy of Gisborne tried so hard to look serious, he was foiled by Alex's elbow to his ribs.

"Costume or my leathers dear servant?"

"The dress. You will need to ride with me. Most here don't know your face. You could be some harlot I had picked up to have my way with."

"Do you do this often?" Alex was amused. She had spent many years among men only. She was not hurt by their ways.

"Where are the slippers I had brought up for you?"

"I kicked them into the fire."

"Wench!" He laughed. "I should have suspected that of you."

Finally she was dressed again. A satchel of her belongings was held by Gisborne, minus most of the weapons. Those, Alexandria kept on her person. She didn't hesitate walking barefooted through the stables. Gisborne saddled up his horse and Alex found her's. Since she was unable to ride out on her own, she gave a few of clicks of her tongue to her horse. The beast knew to follow.

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