Good Bye Brother

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Hours later.
Dark Ezra pov.
I was in the Comman Center with My Master and Slaves. We were looking through The Information that Hera and Sabine took from Rebellion Computer while The Cleaning Crew was Cleaning Up Kanan's Remains in the Cell. Mistress this Inter List Contains All Rebel Secrets and Spys in The Empire. Hera said.

Excellent Job Hera. You have shown True Loyalty. My Master said. Thank you Mistress. Then something started beeping. Sabine what's going on? I ask. There's a Incoming Transmission from The Fifth Brother. She said. What does he want? Ezra take The Girls over there and stand with them So He doesn't see you or him. As you Wish Master. I walk to the other side of The Room with The Girls and My Master Answer the Transmission.

The Fifth Brother pop up and My Master ask. Brother what do you want? I heard you been very busy lately. He said. What do you mean? That you and your Apprentice have New Friends and that you have Rebellion Information that would be Great for The Empire. Not to mention that you Guys have Killed the Jedi know as Kanan Jarrus.

Yes. All that's Correct. So what's your point? What are you jealous of me? No you should have Informed Lord Vader of what you been doing. But since you didn't. Lord Vader has Informed me that The Padawan Belongs to Me Now. And as for you. Your Punishment from Lord Vader will not be Pretty. But you just can't take My Apprentice from me. He's mine.

No Excuses. I'll be there within The Hour to pick him up. And Lord Vader will be here The Next Day Today for Punishment. He said and ended the Transmission. I walk up to her and said. Master I will not leave you. I Belong to you. The Fifth Brother would have to Take Me by Force. She look at me and put her hands on My Cheek.

Don't worry Ezra. I won't let them take you Away From Me. That's why We're Going to Kill Him. Are you sure Master? Yes I am. I love you and I won't let him hurt you. Ahsoka we need your help fighting him. As you wish Master. She said and grab her Lightsabers.

One hour later.
We were Outside Waiting for The Fifth Brother to Show Up. Then we saw a Tie Advance Fighter come from the Clouds and Landed on The Base. It Open and out came The Fifth Brother. So Sister I see you accept your fate. Come on Padawan. It's time to go. He said. He's not going anywhere and Neither are you. My Master said putting her Hand in Front of me.

You Disappoint Me Sister. You turn on me for This Sith Frash. For your Betrayal. The Penalty is Death. He Activate his Lightsaber and so did I and Ezra. You both do Realize. You're no Match for me. He started charging at Us and Strike. We block his Move and Strike Back. He use the Force on Me and Push me back on The Ground. He kelp on fighting My Master and I got back up.

I Reactivity My Lightsaber and Qttack Him. He block's My Strike and I block his. I strike for his Feet but he Jump Up and Kick Me in the Face. I couldn't see The Next move coming and was Punch in the Face. Then The Stomach. Last but not least he Kick in Chest and Knock Me back to The Ground. My Master Charge him but He Grab her with The Force and through her to The Ground.

You see Sister. Your love for This Boy is Making You Weak. You was a strong Inquisitor but not anymore. What you need is a Reset on How The Darkside Works. Hate is what you need not love. For that to happen. I need to Destroy This Boy. The Fifth Brother said. If you Destory Him. The Only Hate I only have is for You Brother. My Master said.

We'll see about that Dister. He started walking towards me and I was to Weak to Move. He stood over Me and Held his Lightsaber up to My Neck. Any Last Words Padawan? Yeah! NOW AHSOKA!!! I yelled. Then a Red Lightsaber went Through his Chest and Right behind him was Ahsoka. The Fifth Brother drop his Lightsaber and Fell to The Ground. I got back up and so did My Master.

What impossible! How wasn't I able to  feel her? Simple Ahsoka can mask herself from you. I said. It's a little trick I learned. Ahsoka said. You three will never get away with this. Lord Vader will Destroy you all for this Betrayal. I like to see him try but for now. This is Good Bye Brother. My Master said and Actvied her Lightsaber and Cut off his Head.

Are you Alright Master? Ahsoka ask me. Yes I am but we got another problem. Vader's coming and we need to prepare for him. Because this battle will be like the one today. I said and look at the sky.

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