The True Powerful Sith

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Dark Ezra pov.
Me and Vader Were Still Clashing With Each Other. It Was Indeed A True Dangerous Battle. Give Up Apprentice. You Might Have Turned One of My Inquisitors Against Me. But Can't Match My Power. Vader said.

It's Time To Show You Whose The Real Powerful Sith Here. I'm Going To Bring You Down. I said and Shot Lightning At Him. But He Deflected It With Hand. What? That Should Have Destroyed Your Hand. How Did You Do That?  Remember Who Are The True Siths of The Empire Are.

We Have More Skills Then You Or Our Inquisitors. Ha Then I'll Just Relied Upon My Own Nature Skills Then. I Ran Towards And I Was Attempting To Make A Bow On Him But He Kelp Blocking My Shots. What Are You Trying To Padawan?

Injured Me. You Have To Do Better Than That. He Then Push Me Back With The Force and I Flew In The Air. I Landed On The Ground and Looked At Him. You Weak With The Darkside. You Use Love and Darkness Together Which Are Opposite. You Can't Fuse The Both. The Only Way To Defeat Me Is To Uses All Your Anger Hate Towards Me.

I Got On My Hands and Knees Trying To Catch My Breath From That Force Impact. Then Vader Stands Over Me With Lightsaber At My Neck. Or You Could Still Save Your Life But Using Those Things Against Your Master. I Am Looking For An Apprentice After You Destroyed My Last One.

I'll Never Be Your Apprentice. I Am Loyal To My Master and Only Her. Not You. I said. Then Die. Once I Kill You. I'll Kill Her Next. NOW DIE!!! He Tried To Cut My Head Off But I Back Away and Reactivated My Lightsaber. I Attended The Cut Off His Hand But He Was Too Fast.

He Grab My Hand With My Lightsaber In It. Once Again. You Fail To Kill Me. Is This The Limit of Your Powers With The Darkside. Where Is That Power You Used To Kill Ahsoka. You Were Much Powerful Than Her But I Don't See It. You're A Joke. He said Then Punch Me The Stomach.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I yelled and Spit Out Blood. Which Some Got On His Helmet. You Don't Even Deserve This Lightsaber. He Took My Lightsaber Out My Hands and Threw It. He Put His Hand On My Chest and Fully Push Me Back With The Force.

I Landed On The Ground Also Sliding On It Too. The Pain I Felt Was Something Far Worse Than Training I Was Given By My Master. I Couldn't Move. I Was Helpless. He Look Into His Direction and Saw Him Walking Towards Me. Looks Like The Padawan  Is Finally Defeated.

Such A Shame. You Would Have Made A Fine Apprentice. But Decided To Choose To Work With Weak People. Time To Finish This. He said and Stood Over Me. He Raise His Lightsaber and Was About To Make The Final Bow. But He Was Push With The Force. He Landed Near The Mountain Side of The Base.

I Look Up and Saw My Master Up On Her Feet. She Came Running Towards Me and Keeled Down. Ezra Are You Ok? She ask. I Can't Move. I Failed You. You Didn't Fail Me. I Was The One Who Failed You. ACTUALLY IT WAS THE BOTH OF YOU WHO FAILED  AND TURN YOUR BACKS ON THE EMPIRE!!! Vader yelled Come Out of The Mountain.

Vader I Ezra Will Defeat. He Much Stronger Than You Realize. I Doubt That Seriously. How Do You Expect Him To Defeat Me. With What? An Army Or The Darkside. He Has Nothing Left. No One Can Save Him. Not Even You. OH YEAH!!! WHAT ABOUT US!!! Someone yelled.

We Look At The Base and Saw Hera and Sabine Standing Outside With Thousands Stormtroopers Running Out Behind Them and Surrounded Vader With There Blasters Pointing At Vader. TROOPERS STAND DOWN!!! THAT'S AN ORDER!!! Vader Ordered But None of Them Listen.

I'm Afraid That Their Only Loyal To Us. My Master said. Then They'll Die In Your Name. I Doubt It. TROOPERS KILL HIM!!! YES MISTRESS!!! They All yelled and Started Firing At Vader. Vader Pulled His Lightsaber and Started Deflecting Shots.

Meanwhile My Master, Hera, and Sabine All Came Towards Me. Master You Need To Get Back Up and Finish Vader. Sabine said. I Can't. The Fight I Had With Ahsoka Drained Me. That's Why I Couldn't Finish Off Vader In The Beginning. I said.

Then We Know What We Must Do. We Give You Our Energy For You To Defeat Vader. My Master said. We Must Hurry. The Troopers Won't Last Long Against The Vader. Hera said Then They Stood Around Me and Place Their Hands On My Chest. Then Engery Began To Come Out of Them and Into Me.

It's Not Enough. We Need More. Sabine said. Then Allow Me To Help. Someone said. We Look Behind Us and Saw Ahsoka. She Was Still Alive. Ahsoka You're Still Alive. Hera said. Yes I Am and Free Of Vader's Control. But There's No Time For That. We Need To Hurry.

Ahsoka Place Her Hands On My Chest and I Was Given Her Energy. This Took A Few Seconds and It Was Over. My Master and Slaves Sat On The Ground I Got Back Up. I Was Back In The Game. I Used The Force To Grab My Lightsaber and Reactivated It.

You All Get Some Rest. I'll Take Care of Vader. I said. Alright Ezra. Finish Him Once and For All. My Master said. Right. I Ran Towards Where He Was. I Called Off My Remaining Stormtroopers and They Ran Back Into The Base.

So I See That You're Back On Your Feet. He said But I Didn't Say Anything. Being Quiet Are We. Well No Matter I Will Finish You Now. He Ran Towards Me and Stood In My Position. He Strikes With His Lightsaber and I Do The Same. But I Was Much Faster Now.

I Cut His Hand and It Fell To The Ground. He Looks At It and Back At Me. You Won't This Fast Before. What Changed? I Turn Around and Spoke. This Is My True Power. The Power of Darkness and Love Combined. I Don't Believe That. He Used His Other Hand To Grab His lightsaber.

But Before He Could Get It Into His Hand. I Grab It First. Then I Crush It Until Nothing Remain. Now To Finish You. I Ran Towards Him and Cut Off His Other Arm and Both His Legs. He Fell To The Ground and I Started Shocking Him. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! He yelled.

I Stop and Pointed My Lightsabers At His Neck. Any Last Words. I said. You May Be Stronger Than Me But You're Not Stronger Then The Emperor. He said. Actually I Am. I said and Cut His Head Off. Then The Others Came Up To Me. You Did It Ezra. You Killed Vader. Hera said. Yes But We're Not Done. We Must Take Control of This Galaxy.

Then It Will Be Over. I said. And We'll Be With You All The Way. My Master and We All Laugh.

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