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5 years ago...

"What the fck you think you are doing?" Kyungsuk (Jimin's Dad) shouted at his wife. The woman's tears kept on falling but a smile was painted on her face. "What the fck am I doing?" She scoffed then laughed hysterically.

"Ask that to yourself Kyungsuk!"

He bit his lips trying to maintain his patience to his wife, "Why did I even agree on marrying you, if only I know that you are crazy before hand then I should have fight for my own freedom when they said that I should marry you."

Hyegyeong slapped him, "Who will not go crazy if their husband is having a third party! You. You thought that I wouldn't know that you and Hanuel is together? "

"Fcking what ? There you go again. You and your crazy predictions! Hanuel is only my friend and for fck sake Gyeong she has a husband."

"I'm not that dumb cheater. She only have a husband, divorce can be filed so easily. They have no child as a matter of fact." She sobbed. The man run his fingers on his hair. "Your not dumb but you lost your mind. Can a mother let her child witness her cutting? You, let Jimin saw your cutting. Your child called my secretary while I'm in the middle of meeting urging me to go back home. Wait this isn't home for me anymore. This is hell!"

"I also know that you and Hanuel has a child."


"And Mom why are you always wearing long sleeves and pants? I've never seen you wear a dress. I bet you would look totally pretty." The 10 years old Jimin asked, his mother smiled, "Those dresses are not my taste."

Especially if your mother is full of scars because of cutting.


The 13 year old Jimin's eyes widened when he saw that there is a trail wall of blood on the floor. He quietly followed the blood and gulped when he was in the front of his parents door. "She did it again." he whispered while his breathing is shortening.

He discovered that his mom is hurting herself when he was 11. He also know the reason as he heard the maids gossiping about their family, but one thing that he do not know is the name of the woman who seduced his dad.


"Hey Jimin." The 13 year old Taehyung called. Jimin gave him a smile, a force one. "Where's Taemin?" Jimin asked.

"Well I'm here, no need to backstab me." Taemin pop up like a mushroom in front of the two, "Aw how shameful that we cannot talk behind Taemin, right Jimin?" Taehyung joked and Jimin chuckled.

"Ha.Ha.Ha. So funny." Taehyung made an ugly face at him making them laugh, "Ya'll hear about Namjoon? He is again the top 1 in our school." Taemin changed the topic.

"Yes, we heard about it. Just wait and I will replace Namjoon." Taehyung stood up so proudly but it was followed by a painful smack from the two.


"Jimin why are you crying?" Taemin asked, "My mom." Jimin responsed. By those two words Taemin knows what is it all about.

"Don't worry we are here for you. I'll help you."


"Your mom is dead and so is your friend." Kyungsuk said to the crying Jimin.

"Mrs. Park please don't kill yourself." Taemin begged the women. He followed her when he saw her looking so haggard and he figured it out that she is going to an abandoned building he knows what she was about to do.

"Don't get involved Taemin! Go home child."

"You treated me as your child too especially when mom died. I don't want you to die Mrs. Park and what more to Jimin. You don't want him to grow up without a mother right?"

"Jimin." Hyegyeong whispered under her breath remembering the day when she first held him, she smiled and tears started to fall, she don't want to leave Jimin alone but she was tired of all the pain.

"Kindly please say to Jimin that I love him." She said and jumped but Taemin attempted to get a hold of her but luck isn't on his side. He fell down with her.


"What?" Hanuel can't comprehend what he said.

"I cannot trust your husband, so I am taking her with me to New Zealand."

"No you can't! She is my child too. I can protect her!" She grabbed her child and hid it behind her.

"Listen Hanuel. I don't trust your husband with my child. He can do something to her because she is not his. Let me bring her to New Zealand, I promise to take care of her."

"You heard me and the answer is no."


at the orphanage...

"Miss Kim Hanuel?" The old lady called her with a girl at her back, "Jennie don't be shy."

Hanuel smiled at the child, "Jennie." She called and signaled her to come to her. The kid obeyed. She hugged the child, "From now on you are Kim Jennie."


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