Chapter 0: Prologue

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Taehyung's father POV
It's taking ages for him to come out. What if he doesn't make it? My only child might die, and maybe along with my wife. It's been 2 whole hours, this is too long. If he died just come and tell me already! I started to figdet with my fingers and shuffle in my seat. I was getting really nervous now. I stared at the clock, it was 4:12... 4:13... 4:14. Everything was so quiet. BANG! "What the fuck was that?!". I ran to the room my wife was in but no one was there. Except the baby.

"Shit". He was hurt. There was blood trickling down his nose. Where the fuck is Eun-ri?! She can't be gone. I searched high and low in the room, she couldn't have gone out of it because I would have seen her. Forget that- the baby! I grabbed a box of tissues and wiped his nose with it. I picked him up, he was so small. Obviously, he was a baby. He looked so precious even though he was crying. "I'll protect you my sweet Taehyung". I knew something was up. Did Eun-ri run away and leave me with our son? This baby might not even be mine for all I know! Eun-ri isn't that stupid to run away when she just had a baby. She wasn't that stupid to go and leave me... She loved me...
I wrapped Taehyung up in a blanket and left the hospital.

I never saw Eun-ri again.
I waited for days, months and even years. Still no Eun-ri...

I love u guys baiii.💜


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