Taehyung's POV: I flopped onto my bed and sighed. 'How did I even end up here?' I thought. The one guy I've been trying to ignore has me inside his house, why is my life so shitty?
Just then, somebody knocks on my door, obviously it's Jungkook. "Taehyung, let's talk real quick, I'll be downstairs" He said not waiting for my response and closed the door. 'Well ok then'. Did he not think this whole thing through? What clothes will I wear, because I don't plan on having to wear the same underwear forever! Oh wait, it's not like I'm going to stay here forever though...
I straightened my trousers and left my room, not forgetting to close the door behind me. That's just a habit of mine. My parents would always--. "I need to f-forget a-about them...". I reached downstairs and tried to find Jungkook.
"Jungkook, wh-wh-where are y-you?" I said stuttering. This house sure was big. I passed through numerous corridors and went in an uncountable amount of doors. 'Why the fuck does he need such a huge house?!'. I don't know how long I've been looking for him probably two minutes but it seems like it's been forever. "J-JUNGKOOK?" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Damn, I even stutter when I shout. How is that even possible?
That's when I realised- I was lost. Was I seriously going to die here? A hit my head on the wall and started crying my eyes out. I'm sensitive ok?
Just then two arms snaked around my body and somebody placed their head on my shoulder. I recognized that scent, it smelt good btw. (Perv alert ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) Jungkook. "What took you so long baby?" He asked tightening his grip around me. "J-jungkook, I-I thought I *sniff* w-w-would *sniff* get l-l-lost here f-forever" I turn to face him and see him looking... worried? I held onto him tightly and put my head on his shoulder.
I heard him chuckle "You're so cute Tae, I can't believe I managed to take you too" he said holding onto me. I widened my eyes in realisation. I knew he was a heartless little bitch but did he have to say that to my face? Why am I hugging him? He took my virginity at the wrong time! Like, I don't mind virginity being taken away but not when I'm 17 and not with somebody who doesn't even want me! How insensitive to even say that?!
I pushed him off me and ran down the corridors not knowing where I was going. I could hear his footsteps and him calling after me, I turned around to take a glance at him and he looked furious, what have you done Taehyung?
"Kim Taehyung." He boomed making me come to a halt. I fell to the ground, everything was so blurry.
"Uuuggghhh, J-jungkook?"I groaned, slightly tilting my head to the side. I felt him pick me up bridal style and walk down the corridor with me in his hands. Something liquidy drilled into my mouth- another nosebleed, SeRiOuSlY?! And Infront of Jungkook for god's sake!
He felt warm so I that I wanted to snuggle up in his chest but I instantly threw that idea out of the window because some of my face was covered in blood.
"Talk to me Taehyung," He placed me on what seemed to be a couch, "Why were you on the streets, don't you have a home, anyone to call?" He asked worriedly. How can somebody go from a monster to caring in like 5 seconds? "I-I u-uhm Jimin-n-nie" I said trying to touch his shirt but he stopped me. (What the material feels nice and soothing)
"No touching until you tell me why you were on the streets at night, god knows what could have happened to my baby" he tells me off his eyebows slightly creasing but he still looks playful.
"I j-just got k-kicked out of m-my home b-b-because dad thought I was a-a d-demon" I started to sob loudly in Jungkook's arms. I just wanted to throw myself into a pit of darkness.
Jungkook's POV: I could not believe what I had just heard. Taehyung's father thought he was a demon? What type of bitchass fuckery is that?
Yeah of course, I've been hallucinating with Taehyung but it might just be me, right? Whenever he gets close to someone (me) we end up getting sucked into a friggin tornado. It's exactly like the night I saw him in his room surrounded by flying objects, no that seriously shook me. And it looked so real.
"Baby, you want me to call Jimin-hyung for you?" I asked trying to shake the thoughts away and patting his head gently. All I got was a nod in reply. He continued to tug onto my shirt and play with buttons on it, damn he is cute. Wait what the fook Jungkook.
He was just a good fuck, that's all he'll ever be. Nothing more nothing less, and I need to do it again because he sure is fun to fuck. And that's my plan. Get close the him and fuck him, if that doesn't work out then I'll just threaten to tell everyone we had sex. Now that would make his screwed up life even more sadder. Simple.
And I'm also confused as to why he always gets those stupid nose bleeds, controll your nose you slut, Jesus!
Third Person POV: Jungkook grabbed the telephone and gave it to Taehyung because he didn't have Jimin's number. Taehyung dialed the number, both of them waiting in an awkward silence for like 5 seconds. "T-Tae, h-hey-- Hoseok! W-what's u-up? Ahhhh, T-Tae I-I'll call y-you-- 'You like that don't you whore" 'Was that Yoongi?!'.
Jungkook and Taehyung both looked at eachother, Taehyung shook and Jungkook smirking. "Threesome" Jungkook said bluntly making Taehyung slap his hand over his mouth.
"J-jungkook, no." Taehyung said shaking his head sarcastically while tutting. "What baby, you jealous you didn't get a threesome, sorry I'm not letting anyone have you, your mine" Jungkook whispered the last part in Taehyung's ear, squeezing his butt. Now both of their faces were in close proximity and Taehyung didn't know what to do.
"I am not j-jealous, ugh y-y-you perv-v-vert!" Taehyung screamed pushing Jungkook to the floor. "Take me to my room!" He ordered.
What was this chapter? _| ̄|○ I'm losing storage on BTS memes halp please ٩(′д‵)۶
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