Jungkook's POV What the fuck did I just witness? So this is what happens when you decide to look at the stars at night. I guess Yoongi hyung was right. He did say that it wasn't a good idea. The dude believes in that astronomy shit, when is he going to move on from that stuff. That kid I bully, Kim Taehyung, was in a tornado. What. The. Fuck. It must have been my imagination- but it seemed so real. I could literally feel the wind coming through my bedroom window. Some misfit can't just summon a tornado in their room, right. "I'm worrying way too much about this" I said sighing. I flopped onto my bed and drifted off to sleep- ready for the school day tomorrow at BigHit High.
Taehyung's POV "Taehyung?!" My dad came rushing into my room with a look of fear and worry plastered onto his face. I curled up into a ball on my side on the cold wooden floor whimpering like a baby. As soon as my dad saw my state he rushed to help me off the floor. It was pointless, I had practically gone limp. My whole body felt numb and it was as if the air had been sucked out of me. Tears slowly slid down my face due to fact that I had just been in a freaking tornado! "Ok Taehyung, it's fine, it's fine. Let me help you son" my father whispered soothingly. He picked me up and gently put me on my bed. "You stay at home tomorrow understood?" He ordered. I nodded, I did not understand. I was going to school tomorrow, I'm not going to miss school for this, no way. I need to make father proud. I've always had this dream of becoming a doctor to help my father and family. I'm aware that we are losing money so I'm going to graduate and help my them. No matter what. With that I fell asleep, not forgetting to set my alarm for tomorrow.
Monday I left the house without forgetting to say goodbye to my family but definitely dismissing the fact that I had to eat. All that fear of school and the events of yesterday had unfortunately made me lose my appetite. Of course I had to do a lot of convincing to let my allow me to go school today. We never fought, fighting for me was a no no. My dad was the only one there for me when I had no one. Basically my whole life. As I got closer and closer to the school I started to regret my decision of coming to school today. 'Please god let me have a good day today amen' I prayed in my head. It was going to be a tough day today.
As soon as I entered the school harsh comments were thrown at my like rotten tomatoes. Freak Fag Slut Unwanted Different That one word always got to me. 'Different'. 'Why me' I thought to myself. I opened my locker and almost 2 seconds later I was slammed shut. I regret looking up because I see the one person who I fear. Jeon Jungkook.
"Who did you let fuck you this time whore?" he asks with a smirk on his oh-so handsome face. Wait, what the fuck. I did not just call him handsome. I just stayed quiet. I know I should answer but if I do they might think I'm acting smart, which I am most definitely not. "Well your not gonna answer me then, guess I'll have to punish you fag" he whispered deviously into my ear. My eyes shot up to face him. He just smirked at me and said " Did you really think I was going to fuck you? Taehyung I'm not a fag like something's in this school, I like pussies not cocks". He laughed with his friends Yoongi and Namjoon and walked off down the hallway going to bully some kid called Hoseok. Now I was left blushing like a tomato and I had a boner. Fuck. I walked into my math classroom and sat in my seat. "Ok, I'm going to be assigning a new seating plan because you bitches won't shut the fuck up". Mr Gwak said and began swapping our seats. Once again I'm alone. Well, I'm not surprised, nobody wants to sit next to a fag...
"Jennie answer this question please". Jennie got up from her seat and walked up to the board without forgetting to stick her gum in my hair. Sigh. "Uhm so the--". Jennie's explanation was cut short when somebody walked into the room. "Jungkook why are you late to my lesson again?!" Mr Gwak shouted clearly annoyed. "Better late than never right sir" Jungkook replied with a smug look on his face. I don't know how people can be so bold...
Third Person POV "Jungkook, take a seat next to Taehyung please and don't do anything you wouldn't like done to you, got it?" Mr Gwak said. Taehyung was shook. He had to sit next to the guy that bullies him, also the same person who saw in a freaking tornado that somehow go into his room. You see, fate's just like that. Jungkook sauntered up to his seat and sat down next to Taehyung. Taehyung just decided to carry on with his work and just ignore his bully. "Quiet now hmm Taehyung?"Jungkook said to Taehyung whilst Mr Gwak went on about some formalae jazz. All Taehyung did was nod. He was powerless against Jungkook and they both knew it. Taehyung was writing down notes so that he didn't forget what Gwak was talking about when Jungkook began tracing his fingers up Taehyung's thigh. All Taehyung wanted to do was scream but he knew that no-one would hear him- no-one would care. He dropped his head and held his breath so he wouldn't let out any sinful noises. Jungkook smirked because he knew the effect he had on Taehyung. To be honest Jungkook didn't know why he was doing this, he just seemed to have a need to do so. His hand went higher up his thigh and was centimetres away from his member. There was an excruciating pain in Taehyung's lower region and he didn't like it. He felt like he was about to cry. His head began to get dizzy as Jungkook brushed his fingers against his member. The world was spinning and Taehyung was losing consciousness.
Taehyung's POV It's happening again. My world began to get darker and darker. My nose popped and pain shot through it. I felt blood trickling down my face and I looked to my right where Jungkook was. He was holding me. Then... Darkness.
Ok so minor smut (my first time writing pussies) ew even though I have one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thank youuuu
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