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''Come on Kenny wake up. I can't listen to your alarm anymore. Who sets up alarms from 5 am?'' Nancy shocked Ken from his slumber. ''Do you have anything that important so early?'' Ken rubbed his eyes and sat back on his couch. He glanced at his phone that was showing it's 7 am. At least he didn't wake up late. 

''I am going to the police station to question the witnesses.''
He went to the bathroom and started his morning routine.

''Are you excited to work with Larry again?'' She leaned on the side of the door frame, arms crossed and watching his reflection in the mirror.

''A little, but I ascertain that he will throw a desk at me when I enter the station. We will argue more than before since the whole incident, but I have no other choice. I can't just cut him off of the case he started. Besides, when we worked he was the one who gathered information and I was the one taking action.'' He dried his face in his towel and walked to the kitchen where a humble breakfast was waiting for him. Toast and a salad. ''What about you? How is the book going? Is it coming together?''

''Not even close. I can't think of a worthy plot twist and the whole writing process just became plain to me. I hope this is not a block and just one of my episodes. I really need to finish this before my deadline or my publishing house will drop me. I don't blame them, I would do the same.'' Her face dropped and she watched him eat the salad.

''Everything will be okay, go today for a walk. It always inspires you, but don't forget your notebook. We don't want that to happen again.'' They chuckled in harmony. ''Well, I need to go. Have a great day.'' He kissed her forehead, grabbed his stuff and headed to the door.

''Kenny?'' He turned around. ''Please change. You wore that two days in a row. Your mind will feel fresh if you put on another outfit.'' She smiled at him insecure.

''This is my solving crime outfit, please don't interfere with my creative process.''

He closed the door and headed to the police department knowing how to get there even with his closed eyes. It is a warm Thursday morning in this town, with kids going to school, parents holding their hands and talking on their BlackBerrys and vehicles ruining the fresh air.

He stopped by his favourite coffee shop and bought a venti black coffee that will keep his eyes wide open. Sipping his coffee and going down the familiar road brought him nostalgia and a safe feeling. His migraine faded as he saw familiar buildings lining up in front of him.

He hasn't felt this excited about work in a long while and just wants to run to the police station and start interacting with the people there. The police station looked the same just with differently painted walls. It has the same bench next to the door, but it is painted in blue, the same wide opened windows and from his point of view, it seemed taller than the last time he saw it. Could be just the blurry memory playing with his mind. He checked his ID and got access to every room in the building. Without even looking at the plan of the building, he walked into the elevator and blindly pressed the right button, floor 8. Same elevator music playing and the same smell of bleach.

Feels like home.

He got off the elevator and turned right, not even counting how many doors did he passed and opened the right one.

''You came on time. Shocker.'' Larry greeted him with a snarky comment. ''Your desk is over there.'' He pointed at the corner that had a 30 by 30 - inch desk and a roller chair. On the table, a pile of files were waiting for him which he grabbed instantly. The chair didn't look so comfortable so he leaned on the stool of a window near his desk. The sun shined right on the papers, making them seem brighter than they really are.

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