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-Jisung and Merlin day out-
Merlin P.O.V

After walking messing around in the shopping centre, Jisung failing at the claw machine, me just winning by the skin of my teeth. We go to eat at a restaurant that Jisungrecommendsd.
We avoid talking about the important stuff.
But we're talking, catching up and goofing around, as Lucas messages me.

"Lucas says we should talk about the important stuff" I chuckle nervously

"Like what? Space and aliens" Jisung laughs awkwardly "Taeil?"

After 3-5 minutes of awkward silence, we both speak up at the same time "Umm so"

"You go" I stutter

"No no, you go" Jisung nods "you won the claw machine you speak first" he hugs the plush bread

"Umm so Ten said he's cool with it" I stutter

"Cool with what," Jisung asks

"If you asked me out" I chuckle nervously

"Oh really," he says very surprised

"Yeah, may I ask why you ask Ten if he's cool with it," I ask

"He got so mad with Dong Hyuck and I didn't want that to" he states

I smile as our food arrives, we start eating and talking about other things when people walk over to talk to Jisung and I realise it's Haechan, Jaemin and Jeno.

"Ji, when you're free to stop by mine and get your video games" Jeno, smiles

"Okay, will do" Jisung nods

"Okay let's let these two be" Jaemin pulls Jeno back

"Ahh yeah, have fun you two" Jeno eye smiles

The entire time Haechan is awkwardly standing fiddling with his sleeves.

"How have you all been?" I ask

"I'm good, we've missed you" Jaemin and Jeno nod

"Haechan?" I stutter

"Me, I've been good, how was the trip?" Haechan asks

"Really good" I reply

"Well we should be heading" Jeno saves the day and the boys leave

"Are you still mad at Haechan" Jisung asks

"No, everyone does stupid things" I look up at him

"Okay, he feels really bad" he smiles

We finish up and Jisung walks me home, we make jokes goof around and just talk. Once we reach my house we say goodbye and I start to walk away before Jisung stops me.

"Merlin" Jisung stutters

"Yes," I ask

"I never asked" Jisung tries to act confident "Will you go out with me"

"Say yes" Lucas appears out his window

I whisper yes to Jisung trying to act as nothing happened as Lucas, Ten and Winwin start shouting out the window.

"Don't kill them" Jisung laughs "Or at least try"

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