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Morning came quickly as the sun peeked through Minho's living room window. Cars keep passing by his house, honking and emitting smokes all over the road. Minho slept on the sofa and shuffled uncomfortably. He yawned and slowly fluttered eyes open.

He opened his phone and checked the time.

10:48 AM

Minho groaned and stretched his body. "HYUNJIN! WOOJIN!" He yelled across the room. He opened his phone again and looked if he missed anything, and boy he did.

Missed Calls
Soojinnie💞😘😍 (4)
Unknown (4)

Messages (Soojinnie💞😘😍-1) (Unknown-9)
Soojinnie💞😘😍: I'll be coming by 12! I hope you didn't forget!
Unknown: Hey, how dare you hurt Jisung
Unknown: Motherfucker
Unknown: Die in your sleep
Unknown: If Jisung will get a panic attack, I'll seriously blame it on you
Unknown: If I could just kill you in your sleep right now
Unknown: DIE

Minho read the 5th message from the unknown number and felt guilty. Jisung got a panic attack. But is it really because of him? Is it? He typed back to Soojin first because why not (Actually he's just scared that the person who texted him will just come and break down his door)

Soojinnie💞😘😍: I'll be coming by 12! I hope you didn't forget!

Minho: Oh of course I didn't!
And see ya!

There was two things that made Minho really guilty. The thought that Jisung had a panic attack after what happened when he saw the message and him lying to Soojin. He groaned again and face palmed himself.

"HYUNJIN! WOOJIN! Dammit these two. HYUNJIN IF YOU DON'T COME DOWN, I'M TELLING EVERYONE THAT YOU'RE A HYBRID! WOOJIN IF YOU WON'T COME THEN I'M TELLING CHAN THAT YOU LIKE HIM!" Then just like flash, they came as fast as lightning. "No need to threaten bro." Hyunjin shields himself from Minho.

"He's grumpy again." Woojin looked at him. "Min, you have wrinkles appearing on your forehead again. What's wrong?" Besides on Woojin and Hyunjin being pranksters, they were soft for Minho.

"I'm just stressed that's all." He sighed. "No. We need the full details so that we can help you." Hyunjin demands and Woojin nods in suit.

"Fine. I messed up. Yesterday, Jisung told me I'm his mate and I was happy. Very happy to be exact. Even if I feel his selfie addiction, a little bit weird." Hyunjin gave him a look. "Alright, really weird, I've been liking him. He looks so cute and so fragile." He laughed. "Wait wait, did you say that you are his mate? Is he a hybrid too?" Minho nods. "Anyways, I left the house after I put him in my bed because he fell asleep on my chest. I went to the grocery because I needed to buy food so that when he wakes up, I already made him dinner." He explained.

"How does that make it stressful?" Woojin raised a brow. "Well here's the bad thing that happened, I met Soojin in the store." Hyunjin choked on his pancake he made. "Soojin? But I thought you broke things with her." Woojin replied. "I didn't. I just said that we'd cool off. And I knew it was a bad idea." Minho sunk down the sofa and slapped himself twice. He was about to slap his face again but Woojin's hand stopped him.

"Stop slapping yourself and try to think of solutions you idiot." The black haired boy shook his head in disbelief.

Time skip brought to you by I AM GROOT~

The doorbell rang and Hyunjin was quick to open the door. "Oh Hyunjin!" Soojin smiled and waved at the boy. "Hi Noona." He smiled weakly. Hyunjin welcomed the girl and sighed. "I'll call Minho hyung. Make yourself at home." He made Soojin sit by the couch as he went to Minho's room where Woojin and Minho was.

"Calm down Min. You're gonna be okay. Once this is all over, you can get Jisung back. Okay?" Minho nods but still kept shaking. "How about this, once and you told her the truth that you don't like her back, we'll convince Seungmin and Jeongin to let Jisung talk to you. How's that sound?" Woojin kept telling him something that'll comfort him but Minho wouldn't stop shaking.

This is what kept Minho from performing and doing interviews. Minho was an incredible dancer but he couldn't perform because if he gets into a pressured situation, he gets all shaky and also tends to pass out. "Hyunjin ah, I don't know what to do. He won't stop shaking." Woojin bit his lip. "Wait here." Hyunjin rushed outside and ran to Jisung's house.

He knocked vigorously and he was very close to giving up when suddenly, the door opened and that made him trip inside. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Hyunjin!" Seungmin helped him up and brought him to the couch. "It's okay. I'm used to swimming without water." Hyunjin laughed weakly.

"Um, why are you here?" Seungmin asked the boy. "Uh, where is Jisung?" He replied. "He's in his room and never tried to come out." Seungmin sighed. Hyunjin's phone lit up and saw that Woojin messaged him.

Woojin hyung: Minho fainted. If u could just hurry up a bit there?

Hyunjin: Aight.

"Can I talk to him? Please? I'm in a hurry." Hyunjin begged and Seungmin nodded. "First room to the right." He said and Hyunjin rushes. He sees the door and knocks. "Jisung? This is Hyunjin. Minho's friend. If you could ju---" He wasn't able to complete his sentence as he was dragged inside the room.


"What happened to Minho hyung?" Jisung had his eyes red and puffy. He was obviously been crying. "He was supposed to break up with his girlfriend today but he had a panic attack and wouldn't stop shaking. And right now, Woojin hyung told me he passed out." Hyunjin saddened.

"Let's go." He dragged Hyunjin. "What's with people dragging me?" Hyunjin groaned in his thoughts. Jisung was dragging him back to his house and as Jisung stepped inside, he saw Minho's beautiful girlfriend. But then he remembered that Minho is going to break the ties between each other so he let go of Hyunjin's wrist and walked into Minho's room.

"Jisung!" Woojin was relieved as he saw the boy. Jisung walked near Minho and crawled on the bed and made Minho sat up even if he was asleep. "Minho~ Minho hyung it's me. Sungie." The boy brushed the older's bangs away and looked at him. Jisung can now tell that he's definitely an angle sent by god. "Hyungie~ Wake up. Please? For Sungie?" And as if it was like someone slapped him repeatedly, Minho opened his eyes and saw Jisung's (puffy) very beautiful face.

And just like that, Minho closed the gap and kissed Jisung. Hyunjin and Woojin, sighed and left the room.

"Oh? Where's Minho?" Soojin looked at the two. "He'll be here in a sec." "Once they stop making out and sucking each others faces but those two are the same." Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

After a few minutes, Jisung and Minho left the room and Minho was ready to face his girlfriend. Is he?


Word count: 1224 words

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