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"Wow" he clapped his palm together in excitement. "I don't know you have a great and beautiful voice" Leaning on the dining table near to where Kyunmi's stand.

She carry something light near her and throw to hit him. "You scared me" she almost shouted.

"Hey, hey" He successfully avoid the thing about to hit him. "Could you stop throwing to me before I tied you hand"

She didn't dare to respond as she focus on her soup.

"What are you doing?" He peeking next to her.

"Yah, don't come to close to me" she warned him as he back off a step. "I made a chicken soup since the weather are cold."


Kyunmi served the chicken soup into two bowls and left a bit for her mom.


"Wooww" he clapping in excitement again which are really cute. "Hope it taste good as it looks like" He said before take a sip of it.

"How was it?" She siting apposite him while wondering his taste.

"Seriously, I couldn't say any words. It's really perfect" he smiled widely and show his thumbs up.

"Thank you. Enjoy with rice and kimchi"

They were finished their meal. Then Yeonjun helped her to wash the dishes while having a chit chat.

"Didn't you think you should go to the audition. You should try it" he suggested.

"I'm not talented as you are. You can sing, dance and rap at same time. But as for me, singing are just my hobby and I like it"

"Then what were you gonna be one day?"

"I don't know" She shrugged as they finished washing the dishes.

Yeonjun planned to watch some movie with her but she disagree and she said "I have something to do upstair". Then she come back with blanket and pillow as she handed to him.

"Good night and have a nice dream" he said after she's leaving.

"You too" She yelled back.

Time goes fast. Now its seven in the morning.

Kyunmi wake up by the sound of her's annoying alarm. She jump off from her bed and went downstairs to find him.

Soon she was at the living room where YeonJun should sleep last night but all she saw was nothing but an folded blanket and pillow.

"Where he goes?" She asking to her mother in the kitchen.

"He just left just now and he said he have to go cause her mom worried him" her mom explained.

Yeonjun's POV

"I'm home, mom, dad" I shouted once I entered my house by the pair of key.

"Hey my son" my mom greeted me by her hug. "You must be tired so I made you breakfast"

"No thanks mom, I'm already full"

Seriously I didn't have any appetite to eat as I went to my room and lay on my bed.

Last night memories with Kyunmi was freshly in his mind. Any single memories he couldn't forgot easily. It was really special day for him ever in his life as unexpectedly smile creat on his face.

"Uhmm, someone in lovebird"

Hi, hello, anyeonghasaeyo

How's with this chapter? Do you like it? *Sobbing end of the corner* hope you like it and always apologies for those mistaken grammer or what ever.

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