Chapter one

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Yayyy chapter one!


I walked slowly, and breathed the summer fresh air.

I'm happy we moved to Sydny. it seems like a great place. I think.

You see, I didn't have friends in America. everyone teased me because i have big black glasses...

But hey, I'm going to start over here.

"River" I heared someone yell. I turned around, but no one was behind me. huh.

I started to walk again.

"RIVER" the same voice yelled again.

Ok, this is getting weird now. I turned around again, and no one was there.

I was getting scared right now.

After all, no one knows me here.

I decided to head back home, and then the same voice yelled "RIVER MIA ANGEL!"

How does this guy knows my name!

I yelled "who are you?"

A tall boy came out of the music store, and said "I'm your soul mate"

I wanted to say yes, and I'm fall out boy, but I didn't. this is way too creepy to use sarcasem now.

"I don't even know you! what makes you think you're my soul mate!"

He smiled and said "give it some time River."


Lol i hope you liked it!

Bye for now!

I will come back mwehahaha


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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