Chapter fourteen// Accusations

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"Wake up!" I shook my cabin mates awake, effectively knocking a few of them off their hammocks.

"Ouch." Lucia sat up and her head, glaring reproachfully at me. "What was that for?"

"Tyler wants us all on deck. Training." I replied, heading out into the cool salty air. The boys were already gathered around Tyler when we joined them.

"Welcome, girls." Tyler said, "today we'll be exploring the talismans' powers. Would anyone like to volunteer?"

Sasha's hand flew into air. "The Silver Wolf, please."

Tyler passed it to him and held up the Bamboo Panda. "No one?" I sighed and stuck my own hand into the air. He grinned and handed it over. I looped the chain around my chest, dropping the pendant beneath my shirt. It's cool touch instantly soothed and refreshed me.

"Whoa!" Sasha stared around, his eyes open wide.

"How do you feel?" Tyler inquired.

"Alert! I can smell... everything! And hear it too!" Sasha gasped. "I can smell the wood, the salt... and us." He grimaced, "wow, we really need to wash up."

Tyler chuckled. "That we do. What can you hear?"

"I can hear the individual droplets hitting the boat," Sasha answered, "and the creaking of individual timbers... and all of you breathing. Lizzie especially, since she's breathing so deeply."

Everyone turned to look at me and I shrugged. Tyler smiled lightly. "And how do you feel?"

"Refreshed." I responded. "It feels like all of my aches and bruises are gone."

Tyler nodded. "That's the effect of the Bamboo Panda. Sasha, pass the talisman along. You too, Lizzie." We passed the talismans around, feeling each one's effects. I took the Silver Wolf from Zay, looping it over my neck. My senses immediately sharpened, making me more alert.

"Whoa..." I whispered, inhaling deeply. All the scents and sounds were so much more distinguished.

"That should be enough for today." Tyler interrupted my thoughts. I reached for the talisman's cord, but stopped. "Lizzie?" He asked in surprise as I jogged to the railing.

I pointed out to sea, where a small figure was bobbing on the waves. "What's that?"

Tyler squinted. "Is that–? It is! Ryan!"

Our other guardian came to join us, as well as the rest of my team. "Yeah?"

Tyler pointed. "What do you think?"

Ryan narrowed her eyes. "I think it is. Tazi!"

The blond boy startled. "Yes?"

"Send Ian out there to fetch that bird."

"Uh, okay." Tazi released his animal into the water and pointed to the bird. The stingray set off, rippling at a quick speed. A few moments later, the stingray returned with the bird aboard his back. The animal flew up to Tyler, who held his arm out. It held out it's leg, to which a tiny compartment was tied. Tyler untied it, opening the capsule to pull out a thumbnail length paper. He then unrolled it and read it out to us.

"Dear Eight and guardians,
I'm afraid that you cannot make a detour to Greenhaven this time around. Please head straight to Nilo. Hoya knows the way; she'll be waiting for you there. We've received word from the Four Fallen, and there was a mole infiltrating their team–"

"Was?" Zay interrupted. "What do you mean, was?"

Tyler silenced her with a look and continued on. "This mole has been uncovered. It was Meilin, summoner of Jhi. She betrayed the team under the influence of Gerathon, and captured Abeke. They're with the Conquerors at the moment. Please watch out for any Bile drinkers.
Best of luck,

It was quiet.

"So..." Sasha started to say, but Zay interrupted him.

"You drank the Bile, didn't you?" She rounded on me.

I stumbled back, surprised. "N-no! No! I summoned naturally, just like you!"


Tyler grabbed Zay's shoulder, pulling her back. "Zay! She's telling the truth!"

I pulled the Silver Wolf from around my neck, passing it back to him. "I swear I am. I didn't drink the Bile."

Tyler accepted the talisman. "I believe you." He replied earnestly.

"Uh, guys." Tazi said, but none of us acknowledged him.

"You trust me, right?" I looked to the others. Only Niko, Ryan, Navia and Sabien nodded. The others didn't look so sure.

"Guys!" Tazi said again.

"What?!" We whirled.

He was pointing at the water again. "What's that?" A dorsal fin was protruding from the waves.

"A shark?" Tyler frowned. "No..."

"Canal?!" Sabien yelped.

"Who?" Tazi and I chorused in confusion.

"Canal. My best friend's spirit animal." Sabien explained. "Where's Cana?" He asked, leaning over the rail. The dolphin made a distressed sound. The pale boy turned even paler. "Oh no..."

"What?" We asked worriedly.

Sabien shook his head, tears filling his eyes. "She's... gone." Navia reached out to him, but he shook her off and walked into his cabin. It was quiet again, then we all split up.

I stood at the tail, deep in thought. My gaze drifted down to Canal, who was swimming alongside the boat. "I suppose that Salem did her job then." I muttered, my eyes on the dolphin's sleek body. "We're both in a rough spot, huh, Canal."

Well, they believed you for now. The voice echoed in my head.

But for how long? I asked in response.

Boom! Chapter fourteen done! That went from peaceful to tense pretty quick, eh? And don't forget to read brontide_'s book, Taipan of Treason.

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