Epilogue// Reveals and Rats

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I stood at the prow, the soft wind rippling my hair. Is he truly onboard?

Of course, you ssssilly girl. The cool, agitated voice growled in my head. I would know, since I'm in his head!

I rolled my eyes. Of course, of course. My apologies.

Don't you take that tone with me. It hissed in reply. I could make you throttle yourssself. Or better yet, make that ssssstupid sssspider kill you.

Fine, fine. I sighed deeply and headed down into the hold, searching for a lantern. I stumbled upon on, along with a few matches. The flame glared to life, and I quickly extinguished the match. Where?

Far belowdeckssss, the shadowy mass replied. Around the prissssonersss. I nodded to myself and peered out of the room before exiting and striding briskly deeper into the ship's underbelly. Soon the flickering light of my feeble lantern was the only light I had. The sounds of the rats and my footsteps echoed around the salty air, which seemed to be suffocating me.

Am I close?

A little farther... take a left here, then a right... here he issss.

I followed the instructions, lifting my lamp higher to see every part of the musky chamber I'd entered. A shadowed lump sat was in the corner. His back was toward me, but the boy turned at the sound of my footsteps. His black eyes glinted in the flame's light. "Ah, welcome to my humble cabin." He smiled and stood, stretching out his legs stiffly. "I was wondering how long it'd take you to find me. Gerathon told you, no doubt."

"Cut the chatter." I snapped in a whisper, "you have no idea how much danger you're putting me in just by being here!"

He frowned disapprovingly. "I've been here for days, starving. I thought you'd at least have brought some snacks."

I glared. "I can't just take food, you imbecile! Beside, you have rats galore! Just eat one of those!"

He wrinkled his nose. "Oh, no, I can't do that."

"Why?" I growled, my gaze darting to the ceiling as a timber creaked.

"Because, I cannot eat them raw!" He replied. "And plus, I find them to be good company."

I snorted. "Did you at least bring it?"

"This?" He smirked, lifting a copper pendant from beneath the collar of his shirt. "Obviously." I reached for it, but he evaded me. "The lantern." He held out his hand.

"Ugh. You little..." I groaned and handed it over.

He pulled the chain from his neck and looped it around mine, then sat down again, his eyes reflecting the lantern's flame. "Keep it safe."

I nodded and turned to leave, then stopped. "I wish I could... she misses you, I think."

"She?" His face was blank, then both realization and pain crossed it. "Oh... I miss her too. If there's anyway you could... tell her I'm sorry. For everything."

I looked back over my shoulder, suddenly wishing to feel something– anything. "I'll find a way. That's a promise. Zarlo Scaups." I started up the stairs, almost missing his soft response through my footfalls.

"Good luck, Lizzie Hope."

The presence in my head smiled wickedly. Good luck indeed.

Book three done!! Woooo! Book four is gonna be called Perfidious (thanks to brontide_ for that idea!) It'll be up either tomorrow or the day after, so be on the lookout! The cover looks like this:

Book three done!! Woooo! Book four is gonna be called Perfidious (thanks to brontide_ for that idea!) It'll be up either tomorrow or the day after, so be on the lookout! The cover looks like this:

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