Chapter twelve// Something There

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Something's different, I mused to myself as we wandered seemingly-aimlessly through the Maze. Between us. And not just me and Lucia– my ears reddened at the thought– but between all of us. I watched the way Lizzie and Tazi were interacting with Lucia, then brought my gaze to the bobbing auburn spot that was Navia's head. She was deep in conversation with Sasha, who seemed agitated. His hair was loose from it's usual bun, and he kept running his fingers through it.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Sabien's question startled me, and I leapt sideways in surprise.

"Geez, give me a heart attack, will you?" I teased.

"Sorry." He grinned. "But may I ask why you were staring intently at my– at Navia, I mean?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh? Your Navia, eh?"

Sabien blushed and punched my arm. "Oh shut up. At least I don't have to ask about those looks you've been giving Lucia this whole time."

Now it was my turn to flush. "That's nothing."

He smirked. "Nothing, huh? What happened in the Maze then? That must've been fun." Sabien winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, be quiet. As for your earlier question, I'm just wondering what those two are talking about. Poor Sasha looks like a wreck."

The smirk tumbled off Sabien's face. He nodded, "yeah. He's really worried about Zay. Navia told me that he's been by her side since she got sick. He's barely slept. Mind you, she hasn't gotten much rest either." His eyebrows furrowed together with concern.

I sighed sympathetically. "Well, I hope we're close to finding Sheyu. I'm worried about Zay too. And everyone, I guess."

"Yeah. We have to get to him soon, otherwise we'll all be dead on our feet." Sabien agreed.

I opened my mouth to respond, but up front, Tyler waved us all to be quiet. "Speak of the devil, I hope." I muttered before falling silent.

"You guys stay here." Tyler told us, "I'm pretty sure Sheyu isn't going to be very welcoming if all ten of us barge into his camp at once." His cold gaze swept over us. "And this time I mean it. Stay put." With that, he pushed through the bamboo and vanished.

"Phew." I sat down on the dirt path. "My legs hurt."

Sabien glanced down at me. "Same here. I never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait to get back on that boat." He looked down at the tattoo on his right palm.

"Hey!" I jumped up and snatched his arm, peeling his fingers open. "When'd you master passive?!"

He grinned sheepishly. "A little while ago. You're the first to find out."

I pushed my hair off my forehead. "Well, yeah. We've been a bit occupied. So you, Lizzie, Tazi, Lucia and Zay have all mastered it. I guess that leaves me, Sasha and Navia?"

"Oh, Navia got it a while ago." Sabien stated nonchalantly. My mouth fell open. He chuckled. "Haven't you seen the way she and Cerco interact? They're like two halves of a whole."

I frowned. "I guess. Darn, I don't want to get it last."

Sabien shook his head. "Nah. You'll beat Sasha for sure. Have you seen his bond?" He winced.

I nodded. "True. But I'm not sure how else to improve my bond."

Sabien tilted his head. "Well... you treat Jesse like an animal a lot... I couldn't get it until I started treating Eldya as an equal. Then we clicked."

"Hm. I'll try that." I remarked thoughtfully. While we were talking, Tyler had re-emerged. He and Sasha were moving Zay through the bamboo.

"I'm gonna go check on Navia." Sabien told me, "it was great talking to you again." He gave me a little salut, then pushed through the crowd toward the Arctican girl, leaving me to my thoughts once more. I plopped down on the dirt again, and Jesse wandered over. He gracefully folded his legs underneath him and settled beside me.

"Hey Jesse." I reached over and stroked his feathers. "How you doing?" He gave me a look that seemed to say are you serious right now? I shrugged at him. "Hey, I'm treating you like an equal, aren't I?" If ostriches could snort, one would've escaped Jesse's throat at that moment. I rolled my eyes. "I'm trying, okay? But you don't seem to be." Jesse nipped my arm and glared at me. "OUCH! Okay, okay, we're both trying." I grumbled, rubbing the spot where his beak had pinched my skin. The ostrich gave me a satisfied look.

"Let's go, bird-boy!" Tazi was calling me. I sprang to my feet and jogged after him as he pushed aside the bamboo, stepping into Sheyu's clearing on the other side. Jesse followed me. A small tent was set up off to the side, presumably where they were healing Zay. The rest of my team was spread out around the clearing, either eating dinner, sitting by the fire or making their beds. I glanced toward Lucia, but her bed was already surrounded by Lizzie and Tazi's. Jesse tapped my shoulder as I turned away, gesturing to the large food supply. Right on cue, my stomach unleashed a great bellow of hunger.

"You hungry too, bud?" I chuckled and walked toward the food, pulling out a slice of bread for Jesse before taking a couple of jerky strips for myself.

"Hey, Niko!" Tyler called to me from across the clearing. I looked up, making eye contact. When the  dark haired guardian gestured to the open space beside his bedroll, I couldn't resist breaking into a grin. I jogged over and unpacked my own bedroll.

Tyler ruffled my hair. "You looked a bit lost, son."

That single word almost brought tears to my eyes. It'd been so long... and I still couldn't think about him without a lump forming in my throat. "Thanks." I croaked, clearing my throat and looking away.

Tyler's hand fell to my shoulder, giving it a gently reassuring squeeze. "Sorry. I didn't realize..."

"No, it's fine." I shook my head. "I never talk about it, so... how could you know?"

"Things like that hurt to talk about." Tyler agreed with a sad smile. "Well, if you ever need to talk... I'm here."

"Thanks." I finally drew up the courage to look him in the eyes. What I saw shining in them was understanding and, beneath it, some kind of... love?  Something was there, something which I suppose I hadn't noticed in him before. It was almost... fatherly. Perhaps Tyler cared more then I knew.

It's here, it's here! I'm so sorry for that wait, I was very busy! (Or maybe I wasn't you'll never know.) Anyway, I hope you liked it! Please comment and vote!

Also, a side note: if you guys find any spelling or grammar mistakes, please please please comment and let me know! Thanks again!

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