Tommy Lee/MGK Imagine #1

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(I'm a lazy and uninspired student, so it is very likely that the more requests I get, the more I'll update!! Please feel free to message me a request about anything-including smut!)

You threw your duffle bag on your bed, exhausted from the nearly 3 day long bus ride from Rhode Island to LA. It had been over a year since you had been home, over a year since you left for Brown University to begin your undergrad experience on the east coast. It wasn't that you didn't miss home and everyone in it, but it was just so much easier to leave without thinking about coming back for holidays and breaks. To leave without looking back. 

You opened your window, hoping to let some fresh air into your long stuffy room before laying down on your bed for a much needed nap. You had barely had a chance to close your eyes when the sound of your bedroom door busting open shot you awake. 

"God Y/N, you didn't even call!" 

You looked up to see your best friend, Athena. She looked even better than she did when you'd left, a little taller, a little tanner, and her dark hair a little longer to better frame her face. She stood over you at the side of your bed, hands on her hips and expression expectant. 

"Athena," you said groggily, still so tired, "How'd you know I was back?" 

"Well you definitely didn't tell me," she pouted, shoving your legs over to take a seat on the end of your bed, "I had to hear it from my brother of all people!" 

"Tommy?" you asked, confused because it was even more unlikely for him to have kept track of you than it was for Athena. 

"Yeah," she replied, starting to dig through your bag without your permission, examining all the cool clothes you had bought during your weekend excursions to Manhattan, "He saw you walking back from the bus station like an hour ago."

"I didn't see him," you said, sitting up and tucking your knees up to your chest, "He didn't say hi or anything." 

Athena didn't say anything to that and you didn't really expect her to. You both knew why Tommy didn't greet you, and it was stupid of you to think he might have. Athena seemed to read your mind as she scooted up the bed to sit next to you, wrapping a long, thin arm around your shoulders. 

"No hard feelings, Y/N," she said, giving you a squeeze, "I know you had to do it." 

The "it" she was referring to was you going away for school, but she was only sort of right about the fact that you had to. You had gotten into a few schools in California, a few great schools, just a great as Brown even. You could have stayed on the west coast, and you could have stayed with Tommy. 

"How is he?" you asked, because despite everything, you really did still care. 

"Oh you know," Athena said, shrugging her shoulders and getting up to try on a blue dress that she had pulled from your bag, "He's Tommy, he puts on a happy face and does what he needs to do." 

"And the band?" you asked. 

"The band did a tour, it went really well," she said, spinning around in your dress so the sequins could catch the light, "They even did a few shows on the east coast."

You knew what she was implying with that comment, that you knew how the band was doing and you didn't need to pretend otherwise. You'd keep pretending though, if only to keep up the lie to yourself, the lie that you'd moved on. 

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