Nikki Sixx/Douglas Booth Imagine #3

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As Requested by _livingdeadgirl_ (this was a great idea and so much fun to write! 😊)

You sighed loudly, looking out of the corner of your eye to see if Nikki would get the hint. He just kept driving, one hand on the wheel and both eyes firmly on the road. You rolled your eyes before sighing again a little more dramatically. Nikki still didn't look over, too distracted by keeping the beat of the song he was tapping along to on the side of the car as his arm dangled out the open window. Frustrated, you reached over and jerked the dial, cutting the radio off abruptly.

"I liked that song," Nikki said, unbothered and still missing the point.

"Yeah, well, I need to clear my head," you snapped, rolling down your window and letting the night air rush over your face. You were never usually so bratty, but tonight you had good reason to be. You couldn't believe he had forgotten your one year anniversary.

He nodded casually, switching hands on the wheel and reaching over to place one on your bare thigh. It was warm and comforting, something that would usually drive you wild, but tonight you weren't giving any or accepting any affection until he realized his mistake. You shoved his hand away roughly before reaching into your jacket pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. You shook one out and placed it between your lips before you were tempted to say something you'd regret.

"I think you might be mad at me," he said lightly, finally glancing over at you with a smile, "And you're really fucking hot when you're angry."

You lit your cigarette and shook out the match, resisting the urge to scream or maybe flick it in his face.

"Maybe you'll be in a better mood after you get something to eat," he said. You raised your eyebrows at that and scoffed in indignation.

"Oh, yeah," you said sarcastically, "When we get home and I have to make us both dinner you mean?"

"No," he said shaking his head and grinning ever wider, "I thought we'd go out tonight."

You startled at that and almost jumped with joy. Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all, maybe he was even sweet enough to be surprising you.

"Any special reason?" you asked, still having your doubts.

"It's a big day," he said, slowing down to stop at a red light, "Our one year anniversary. I thought we'd go somewhere really special."

You let yourself sigh for real this time, a big exhale of relief. You reached over and held the hand you had turned away just a moment before, giving it a loving squeeze as a kind of apology for thinking the worst of him.

"And where's that?" you asked, thinking of all the cool, trendy places Nikki could now get into with his rockstar status.

"Where it all began," he said, squeezing your hand in return as he pulled into a very familiar parking lot, "The fucking Rainbow!"

The fucking Rainbow?


You looked around the restaurant as Nikki practically dragged you in behind him. Everything was just as you had remembered; too dark, too crowded, and way, way too many groupies. It smelt like piss and beer, and your boots kept sticking to the floor that probably hadn't been mopped since you had last been there, a year ago exactly. Not really the romantic evening you had imagined for yourself, being the girlfriend of a world famous musician and all.

"Look, babe," Nikki said excitedly, pulling you after him over to a table right in the middle, "They still save the table for us and everything."

They had indeed saved the band's infamous table, you could tell because half the band was already sitting at it, perhaps just as unaware that these were Nikki's plans for the evening as you were.

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