Mick Mars/ Iwan Rheon Imagine #4

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As requested by taytayschaufert

You followed quickly behind him as he pulled you by your hand through the crowds of people on the boardwalk. The air was filled with the scent of cotton candy and even sunscreen though the sun had gone down over an hour ago. It was almost magical, the bright neon lights tinkling in the inky blue sky, the gentle sea breeze tickling your bare shoulders, and the feel of Mick's warm hand in yours, calloused from years of guitar playing, but still able to make you feel like butter whenever he touched you.

He glanced back at you over his shoulder, flashing you a quick grin that made your heart leap in your chest. You knew then, here on the boardwalk with his hand in yours, that you loved him. You felt yourself blush at even thinking it, but at the same time, you could feel the words in your throat, heavy like cotton and bursting to get out.

"This is my favourite ride," he said, slightly out of breath as he came to a halting stop.

You followed his gaze, looking upwards at the huge ferris wheel that was sure to have the best view of the whole boardwalk. You had always loved ferris wheels, they made you think of all the times you had gone to Disneyland with your family when you were young and things were simple, before you met Mick Mars and got so wrapped up in his rock and roll lifestyle. Not that you regretted it. Mick was amazing, but he was so amazing that he changed everything.

You glanced around, spotting all the other guys from the band who had joined you and Mick on your outing. They had all brought along groupies, some more like girlfriends than others, but seeing them made your chest feel tight. What if, despite everything he had said that would prove otherwise, Mick just saw you as another groupie? You looked on as Tommy threw darts at balloons to try and win his date a prize while Vince and Nikki razzed him from the sidelines, completely ignoring the girls they had come with. You looked away quickly, trying to shake the feeling of anxiety settling around you, and turned back to Mick.

"Let's go up," you said with a small smile, "You can show me the world."

He laughed at how sappy you were being and turned to give the guy at the bottom two tickets. The man lifted the bar for you as Mick helped you up into the ferris wheel car. He slid in beside you and the man lowered the bar once again. You took Mick's hand in your own as the car lurched forward with a jolt.

"You scared of heights, babe?" Mick asked you, looking at you with concern, "You look a little green."

You shook your head slowly. It wasn't the heights that were making you queasy, rather the feeling in your chest that you might slip up and tell Mick how you felt about him any second now and probably ruin everything.

"I think I just had too much cotton candy," you said, trying your best to sound natural and laugh it off, "I have this amazing boyfriend who kept buying it for me whenever I asked."

"I just can't say no to you," he teased, snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you close. You shivered at the feeling of his body against yours, it felt so nice, making you distracted and at risk of loosening your tongue even more.

"Are you cold?" he asked, evidently noticing you tremble. You kind of were, the cool night air pressing on you from all sides as you were only wearing a thin tank top and jeans.

"A little," you said, using that as an excuse to snuggle in deeper to his side. He shifted his weight so that you were practically on his lap and tried his best to drape his jacket over you. He kissed you gently on the temple, the most he'd ever done, causing your whole body to tense. You and Mick had only been dating for about a week and you hadn't even kissed him on the lips yet, so how could you possibly know that you loved him? Somehow, you just did.

It was crazy to you that a rockstar like him would even think of going out with a girl like you who wanted to take everything so slow. You had been in a few relationships before where things went fast and hard, but the faster they went, the sooner the whole relationship seemed to crash down around you. So you had made a deal with yourself to take things ridiculously slow in your new relationship, and surprisingly, Mick had agreed wholeheartedly. But now you were the biggest hypocrite around because you had gotten it into your head that you loved him after just a week together and nearly no action.

You looked out over all of the city lights as the car climbed higher and higher, trying to clear your head of all thoughts of love and just enjoy the moment with Mick by your side. You could see the tiny people cluttered around the base of the ferris wheel, and you were pretty sure you even saw the rest of Mötley Crüe, a person who you thought might be Tommy waving furiously at you from the ground.

"What are you thinking about, Y/N?" Mick asked, his mouth somewhere near your ear so you could feel the warmth of his breath on your cheek.

"That I love you," you said nonchalantly, still looking down at the mini Nikki, Tommy, and Vince. It took you a few seconds to realize what you had said and that you had said it out loud.

"Oh fuck, sorry!" you cried, pulling back from him and looking up at his startled expression. The car had just stopped at the top, so now you were stuck up there with absolutely no way out of this most awkward situation.

You just looked at Mick's stunned face and felt a few tears well up in your own eyes, terrified that you had really scared him off with your own carelessness.

"Do you mean it?" he asked quietly, his face slowly breaking into a smile.

"Um, yeah, but I know it's way too soon so I understand if you just want to forget I ever said anything," you mumbled, ducking your head down into your hands in embarrassment.

He was quiet for a few painful seconds before you felt the warmth of his hand under your chin, lifting your gaze back to his.

"Y/N, I love you too," he said quietly, still smiling like an idiot, "I've loved you almost from the moment I first saw you and it's been killing me not to say it ever since."

You took a moment to process this before leaning towards him in a way that made the car lurch dangerously. You kissed him, leaning in deeply with a hand on either side of his face to show how much you really meant it. Finally, you pulled back, kissing him once on the cheek for good measure. Mick turned away, bracing himself on the side of the car to look down at the band down below.

"I fucking love her guys, and I don't want to hear any shit about it!" he yelled, warning them. You laughed, thinking it was sweet that he didn't want to be teased for how he felt, that he still wanted to be the tough guy.

The guys whooped and hollered from down below, waving their hands around and blowing you kisses like a bunch of little kids. Their dates stood off to the side awkwardly and you felt at once that it didn't matter if you were like them, in fact, you hoped they were like you and just as in love. Nothing really mattered all that much anymore, because Mick loved you and that was all you were sure you'd ever need.

The ferris wheel started to rotate again, bringing you closer and closer to the ground, but as you and Mick continued to exchange tender kisses and quiet 'I love you's, you had never felt so high.

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