A great start (Chapter 1)

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*Beautiful cutscenes* Birds chirping.....Loud snoring....Heavy eyelids....Yawning... This is the usual morning...sometimes the chirping.

On a fine day like this, Aquila decided to hook up with all his friends to have some fun! (lol)

His friends marched into the backyard, youngest first to the oldest and they all sat down on the grass and had a nice conver-

Narrator 1(male): "Wait a minute, peace? Being civilized?"

Narrator 2(female): "But they are a group of kids! (>^o^)> Daaawww! Aren't they cute, just like little angels :3"

Narrator 1: "No no, you have got this all wrong...Especially the 'angels' part. Here's what really happened"

Aquila's group of friends actually ran inside his house like an elephant stampede, screaming like hyenas! Once they reached the backyard, it became a battle royale! It was mayhem as the 5yr olds brawl it out and the girls are trying to rip each other's hair off! O.o

Aquila and the other elders of the group tried to stop them but ended up fighting!

Left hook! Right jab! Headbutt! Hair pull! Roundhouse kick! Everyone is insane for no reason at all!

This crazy war zone lasted a few minutes until Aquila's mom came in.

Aquila's mom: *hard claps* "Alright, alright! Everyone listen up!"

Everyone just straight up stopped and stood up straight as if they were being called by their general! (Ten Hut!)

Aquila's mom: "Ya'll need some discipline up in here! Do some friendship exercises or something, no fighting ya here?!"

Everyone(all the kids): "Yes ma'am...."

They all let a deep and loud sigh as they sat down and ponder about what they should do...

The group were sitting in a circle on soft grass, rich in green. There's a small kids playground further in the yard where small animals like squirrels and hedgehogs like to hang out. A large, and lone tree towers at the end of the backyard, giving a nice place for shade as the sun gets hotter during the day. A few balls and some sports equipment lay on the grass near the playground, which seems that this group of kids have been hanging out very frequently.

Lewis: *cute voice* "Seven, I'm bored :c"

Seven: *cute voice* "It'll be ok Lewis c:"

Seven arches his hand over Lewis' shoulders, trying to comfort him and while this happened, the girls-Blight and Victoria specially-were going crazy from this cute scene between the 5yr olds.

Narrator 2: "omg! *-* cuteness overload! MOAR!"

Narrator 1: "Well, I have to say that.... It was a nice scene hehe......but I'm sure you'll get more later lel"

Narrator 2: "Err... What?"

Narrator 1: "Hey now... Dont get the wrong idea.... O.o AHEM! Moving on"

Suurri: "Bromance <3"

Aquila: "lel, hey Yucli? I'm tired, can I lay on your lap? c:"

Yucli: "Err, sure :o" *blushes*

As Aquila gently lands his head on her lap, the boys started grinning at Aquila like there's something funny on his face... but there is something on his face :o. His cheeks started to redden as he felt the soft warmth of her hips... and after a few seconds of resting, he started stroking them.

Agent, Suurri, Cloud and Fire: "Woah..."

Kidinisu, Katirina and Pollar: "Eeewww!"

Lewis: "What is big bro Aquila doing?"

Seven: "I think he loves her"

Victoria: "He totally does"

Neon: "Yahh ;D"

Yucli: "wut? o.o" *blushes*

Aquila: "Eehh? What is it?" *looks around* "oh.."

Aquila removes his hand from her hip and jolts upright and sits back down next to her. His face reddens even more, and starts to smile uncontrollably.

Pollar: "Creep"

Agent: "Hate to say, but that was pretty creepy :P"

Aquila: "ehh? what are you talking about? heh" ^^"

Yucli stares at aquila, thinking about why he stroked her hip in the first place.

Yucli: "uuuun~ Aquilaaa? Why did you do that?" >.<

Aquila: "Do what?....oh, well it was comfy so I thought i'd touch :o"

Pollar: "Still a creep"

Kidinisu and Katirina: "Yup"

Cloud: "It's ok Aquila, you just.....touched a girl"

Suurri: "eeeeeeewwww! girls nu-uh"

Victoria: "Don't worry Suurri, you'll understand soon heehee~"

Cloud: "This is getting boring....something happen pls"

Agent: "I have an idea!!"

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