A great adventure (Chapter 2: Part 1 - Arrival and...Unicorns?!)

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Agent stood up and walked into the middle of the circle, putting his fists onto his hips like a hero.

Agent: "We have to get ready to fight a very formidable opponent! We will not lose.. we must stand and stay strong!"

Everyone looked at agent as if he was a knight preparing for battle to rid the lands of all evil.

Neon: "My hero~"

Aquila: "Hue" *smirks at the other guys*

Cloud and Fire: "Hue Hue" *smirks back at aquila*

Agent looked at Neon while she said that and with a big grin he shouted "Hear me! we will warp into the world of Adventure!"

In order for this to work, the Skwad has to stand in a circle, from oldest to the youngest whilst holding hands. They close their eyes and chant "We are the Skwad and we love to play. Let us warp to have another fun day! Hooooray!"

As the group open their eyes they see a vast open field of grass that goes as far as the eye can see, Mountains towering in the background as the sun shines bright (like a diamond in the sky Cx) The skies are not plain as the-

Narrator 1: "You guys do know they are just kids and in reality its-"

Narrator 2: "STAHP >.< dont ruin it!! 3: Let's keep going...Ahem!"

*Epic transision back to the magical world that the Skwad created* The skies are not as plain as the normal world as there are lots of flying creatures up and about. Dragons differing in sizes and colours and random baby pandas?! Who imagined this place?

As everyone looks at each other, they seem to have...changed a little. Blight, Neon, Pollar and Victoria wore healer robes; Lewis, Seven and Katirina became mages; Kidinisu, Fire and Cloud wore hooded light armor and lastly, Yucli, Aquila and Agent had paladin armors. 

However! This was not the change that I was talking about, the biggest change out of all of this was that...everyone was older than they should be...5 years older in fact...

Aquila: "Woah... i'm taller?"

Agent: *Stares at Neon* "Hmmm, interesting"

Aquila: "Huh?" *looks around and spots Yucli* "Wow... *-*"

Cloud: "Oh my... I think we grew up a little"

Suurri: "Girls? What happened to me hating girls? o.o"

Victoria: "I didnt mean THIS soon >.<"

Lewis: "This is fun! Look seven, FIREBALL :3" *shoots a baby fireball into the sky*

Seven: "You're so cool Lewis :3"

Blight: "OMG *-* still shoooo cuute!"

Katirina: *Looks down* "Ugh"

Kidinisu: "What's up Kat? you dont look so well"

Katirina: "It's nothing hmph!"

Agent: "EVERYONE LISTEN UP! The Colloseum is North of here! Let's Move!"

Everyone gives a loud moan and sighs before they started traversing through this new and uncharted land.

Agent: "Oh and before you ask, this journey might take a few days ^^"

Lewis and Seven: "Eeeeeehhhh?!?!"

Neon and Victoria: "Oh god ._."

Cloud: "It seems that not all of us have changed personalities"

Aquila: "Eh? dont focus on the details and let's journey! :3" *Holds Yucli's hand* "Let's go ^^"

Yucli: *blushes* "Ehh? sure :D"

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