"To Avery's house it is"

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3rd person view

Nathan and Elena ran as fast as they could after finding the footprints, Following them where ever they took them. Through the forest and to the bridge. Nathan looks to the left. "Oh no, not this again." He says and he nudges Elena, who looks at where Nathan is pointing. "Nope, I'm not going there again." Elena says. "Look at the footprints. they're going that way." Nathan says as he slowly makes his way to the cages. "Same way as last time?" He asks as he climbs on the first cage. Elena sighs but follows after Nathan jumped to the next one. "Carefully remember, the last one almost fell over last time." Elena says. "Oh I remember, but Cassie must've gone over as well so I think it will hold." Elena laughs. "It held a small girl, I don't think it'll hold you  though." Nathan looks at her and Elena laughs and shrugs.

Cassie sighs when she sees the long way to the not flooded part of the city. Avery's house according to Nathan's stories. Cassie sighs and sits down on the floor, getting some rest from all the climbing and swimming. Cassie closes her eyes and lays down. 'Just for a minute' she thinks but a minute turns into an hour

"Cassie?" Elena says when she sees her daughter. She walks to her but Nathan stops Elena. "Let her sleep, she is probably exhausted." Elena nods and also sits on the ground. "Maybe we should to." Nathan says. "You sleep, I'll wait for her to wake up" Nathan says. Elena nods and sits down agains a wall putting her legs over eachother and leaner her head back, enjoying the sun. Nathan smiles at the sight of his wife and daughter sleeping in a place where he and Elena almost died, multiple times.

Cassie wakes up with the sun in her eyes. "Ah shit!" She says when she realizes the sun is going down. "Hey, language!" Nathan says. Cassie turns around, surprised to see her mom and dad. "Suprise!" Nathan says. "Dad!" Cassie says as she runs to him and hugs him.  "You're here." She says and Nathan laughs. "Yeah, you thought we wouldn't find you? Come on, we're the best treasure hunters in the world." He laughs at his own joke and Elena wakes up. "Cassie, hey!" She says and Cassie flies into her mom's arms. "Are you OK? are you hurt?" She asks as she looks at Cassie's arm. "I guess it kind of broke." Cassie says. "Oh my God." She says. "you took care of it pretty well, with the sticks and all." Nathan says. Cassie smiles at the compliment her dad gave her. "How did you find me?" Cassie asks sitting back down, next to Elena. "We followed your footprints. and it led here." Nathan says. "And we had to guess which way to go but we went the way we did last time." He says looking around him. "How are we going to get off this island?" Cassie ask looking mostly at her mom. "Do you think Sully still has his intercom, he told me he kept it." Elena asks Nathan. "Yeah I think he does, why?" Elena nods, stands and helps Cassie up. "I thought, maybe if we go to Avery's house, there might be a Shoreline storage of some kind, maybe we can contact him, or Sam?" She says and Cassie's eyes go big. Knowing that maybe Sully or Sam is going to help them makes her super excited. "Well, to Avery's house it is!" She says and she jumps down on a small, with grass grown island.

Needing Home // Cassie Drake // UnchartedWhere stories live. Discover now