Tears And Anger

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Casey's POV:

After Harry was called to the principal's office he didn't come back.Someone just took his stuff and with that he was officially on his way home.


Louis was biting on his nails nervously.

"Do you know what happened,Lou?"

He only shook his head,pushing up his glasses while staring at the blackboard.

Silently I took out my phone to text Harry.

To:Hazza (:

What happened?Why are you at home?



School ended and Harry didnt reply so I decided to check on him.

His home wasn't far from school so it only took fifteen minutes.

I was really nervous but knocked on the door.

No one opened it so I tried to open it and it worked.

So far so good.

It was silent.

Nobody was home.Well not downstairs so I made my way upstairs to Harry's room.

"Harry?"I whispered as I opened the door slowly.

No reply but an empty room surrounded me.


My gaze wandered around the room but was stopped when it caught an rosé coloured letter lying on his bed.

It was closed so I guessed Harry wrote it.

As I looked at it giggles left my mouth.

For my everything,Casey.

The thought of Harry writing such a cute letter for me made me giggling even more.

Since it was for me I could open it right?

I ripped it open slowly my hands were shaking from all of a sudden.

Something just changed my mood and something's wrong,I just felt it.

Before I pulled the paper out o turned it around and my whole body froze when I read the name:

Written by Liam James Payne

Why would he wrote a bloody letter after one year he didn't care?!

Feelings came up.I never could forget him but why did he do that? 

My shaky hands opened the letter and I started reading.

Dear Beautiful,

do you miss me sometimes?Do you miss me sometimes when you're thinking back to the time we spent together?Because I do.

Letting you go was the silliest and most selfish idea I've ever had.

I should have fought against our problems but I couldn't stand seeing your dad abusing you and being not able to do anything from here.

I thought that I couldn't handle the distance between us but in the past year I realized that I just can't live without you.

I needed you,Casey.

I still do and I always will.

When you read this I'm probably already gone.

I saw these painkillers and thought they might would take all the pain away.

And now I am here,getting tired-my body's numb but my heart is still broken.

I hope you moved on.Got a boy your dad would accept.

Keep an eye on Harry.You know he's really emotional deep inside.

Please do me one last favour,Casey:Go to my grave and tell me about your life.This is the last thing you'll ever hear of me,sweetheart.

Keep your head up for me,please.

I am completely fallen for you,Casey Long.

Please don't forget about me because I could never forget you.

Yours truly,


Tears streamed down my face and I fell on Harry's bed.

He's gone.

That's it now.

Hot tears of anger started to build.

I could have saved him and Harry kept this letter away from me.

His last words.

Why did it have to end like this.

I grabbed my phone and called Liam's number whose number I kept for emergencies.


"When's Liam's funeral?"

Silence creeped in for a while.

"He's still alive."




Heeeey my lovelies,

I am sorry I've got school so I can't update that often..

Oh my god guys 20 chapters...!

How are you?(:

I love you so much.


P.s.:Thanks for 882 reads!!!0.0

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