Miss Me Too

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I snap my head back up, I can't sleep now!

I look down in my lap to my baby in pain.

The car suddenly stopped, but we weren't at any sort of hospital? Oh well.

He opens his eyes and smiles.

"John I'm okay! You don't have to worry anymore. It's all over now."

He sat up from my lap and opened the car door, kissed my cheek and walked to the kitchen.

We are on the side of the road? Why is there a kitchen? Eh, seems reasonable enough.

He started to make eggs and toast, doing a better job than I ever can. Classic Fred.

A beep starts ringing in my ears. It keeps getting louder and louder. Am I going crazy?


I snap up from lying down. It was all a dream.

I see my Mum standing at the foot of my bed along with Julie.

"He's awake!"

Julie came to hug me but I pushed her away.

"Where's Freddie?"

"Oh. He was transported to a different hospital, he had broken several ribs."

"Someone needs to take me there!"

"We can't until they let you go from this hospital. Which they said should be the day you wake up."

"We need to go now! Seriously I need to be there for him!"

"Honey, your hurt and you need recovery too."

I stood up from the cold bed and ripped the IV out of my arm. Fuck needles.

I walked downstairs, perfectly ok, which is a bit weird considering my legs hurt like hell from last I remembered.

Then I paused.

"How-how long have I been here?"

"About 2 weeks now."

Looks like the tears are coming again.

I walked downstairs and after about 2 hours of pushing and paperwork and unnecessary shit I finally got discharged.

Since I obviously don't have a car to drive, we had to go in Julie's car.

Nobody spoke on the way there, they already knew which hospital he was at.

I felt the back of my head and I could feel stitches.

We got there and I ran to the service desk and got permitted to see Freddie.

After a tedious walk up the hospital floors, we got to it.

Room 139.

I walked in and saw something I can't describe.

It hurts worse than being kicked in the gut. Stabbed in the gut.

He was lying there, in something he would most likely describe as a "fashion monstrosity" aka a hospital gown.

I started bawling and the doctor didn't seem to know what to do. You would think they would be trained for emotional support.

"Do you need a moment?"

"Yes, please."

I think Julie and Mum wanted to come in with me but I don't care at the moment.

I sat in the cold rocking chair next to him and held his hand.

From what I was told he is in a coma.

He has minor bruising all over his face, his eyelashes still not failing to captivate me.

Then I did something that rarely happens, only for the love of my life.

I started singing softly.

keep yourself alive

keep yourself alive

it's all you freddie

please keep yourself alive

Tears are no longer failing to fall.

I love you Fred. Your my world.

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