Helios X Reader

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Helios is from Sailor Moon.
Modern one shot.

Your prov

I never knew what the world was like when I was younger. I always was sick. The only way I say the outside world was from the books my babysitter Rini brought me. She was in Middle School when I was six. Always telling me about what it is like. She would even read me stories. Especially the ones with Pegasuses. Those were my favorite. The reason is because I would always dream of one. He had light blue main and tail, pure white coat, stinging yellow eyes, and a magnificent golden horn. He never told me his name and wanted me to call him Pegasus. He would let me ride him while we flew across the sky and in space. Those dreams kepts me going while I was sick, because if I kepts fighting I would be able to fly with him again and again.

As I grew, my immune system had gotten stronger, but as I got better, I had less and less dreams with Pegasus. Soon I stopped having dreams about him, but I was able to draw the dreams as vivid as can be that my friends would say they look real.

I am now in my last year of High School. I now have a good number of friends and never had a problem with anyone(unless with the students that purposely act dumb, I hate those, two sit behing me in science, I want to knock the lights out of them so they can just shut up).

"Class we have a new students today. He has been homeschooled until now so be kind to him. Sir can you introduce yourself?"

"Right. Hello my name is Helios Star(cause constellations). It is a pleasure to meet you all."

"Thank you Helios you can sit next to Miss(y/n). (Y/n) please raise your hand so Helios can sit."

I raised my hand and Helios took a seat. Now that he's next to me I have a better look at him.

He had light blue hair, white shirt with blue jeans, along with a necklace that had a golden crytal on it.

"Hi my name is y/n l/n. Nice to meet you."

"Like wise."

~time skip to Christmas break~

Ever since Helios came to school we instantly clicked. We would do projects together when ever we could, along with helping each other out in subjects we struggle in. But for some reason Helios seems so familiar.

It is New Years Eva 11:50 pm, ten more minutes till midnight and a new year. A bunch of my friends and family got together in town and all sat in trees to watch the fireworks display at midnight. I was on top of the tallest sakura tree with Helios. No one but us dared to go up that high because how dark and cold it was at night.

I look over at Helios. His faces displayed one of confusion.

"Helios. What's on your mind? You've been really quiet tonight."

"Y/n. I have a confession."

"What is it?"

"Remember when you were little and had dreams of a Pegasus."

"How did you know? I barely tal-"

"You draw the Pegasus all the time first off. And secound, is that I'm Pegasus."

"What do you mean?

"The crystal around my neck is the golden crystal of people's beautiful dreams. I protect those dreams. When you were younger and found you dream for the first time, it was so sad and dark. When you told me how you we always sick and wanted to see places. I wanted to show you it. I wanted you to see them. So every night when we would fly, my crystal would make you stronger. When you started to stop seeing me was because you no longer needed me. I was so sad. But the face after we saw each for a long time in your dream showed me how you look forward to our times. So I made myself human. To see you. I fell in love with you n/n (nickname). And I want your dream to come true, but I want to do it with you. I am sorry for keeping this from you for so long. I hope you can forgive me."

I sat there in shock. Helios was my Pegasus. Pegagus was my Helios.


"Helios. I could neber stay mad at you. You gave me my life. If it weren't of you I would might had not live this long. I would not had been able to see you. And fall for you."

"You mean it?"


"Of course Pegasus."

Helios came to my branch and held me close. We looked into each others eyes. His captivating my (e/d) (eye decription), and mine captivating his stunning starry eyes. We slowly leaned in, our lips touching, eyes closed.


Fireworks went off but we didn't care.


We stoped kissing and looked at each other.

"Looks like the end of an amazing years. And a start of even dreamer year."

"It is Helios."

We ended snuggling on my couch for the night with a bunch of blankets on top of us.

Laying on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart, luled me to sleep. Where I woke to a simular world. With Helios, with his golden horn and beautiful white wings. And with that we took off exploring the starry night sky. For I have found my Pegasus once again. And my dream will always be completed with him.


A/n if it crappy I am sorry. Not as modern as I planed but oh well. Hope you all enjoyed.

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