Hiroomi X Reader

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Hiroomi is from Beyond The Boundary.
After first season. And before the other thing(don't know if it's a movie of another season).

You are a youmu like Ai. Like a Ninetales from Pokémon.
Still the school year.

Your prov
Another day of the same thing in school. Wake up. Get dressed. Brush teeth and hair. Eat breakfast. Got to school. Deal with the idiots. Go home. Eat dinner and do homework. Hunt youmus that cause trouble. Go home. Have a small snack. Shower. And go to bed.
To many it may seem boring. But I had gotten used to it. It has always been this way. And probably won't change. I mean what can a second year high school student do, who doesn't even know what they want to do in life.

~lunch time at school~

Raining just great. My normal spot to hang out for lunch is on the roof. Now I have to find some where else to eat.
As I walk around I run into a second year student. Mirai Kuriyama. She had her lunch on the tray. Which is not on me.
"OH! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to spill my food on you! I am so sorry!"
"It's okay it was an accident."
"Let me get you clean up. We can go to the club room that I am in."
As you can tell. I don't talk much. That is because I don't talk to people. They tend to stay away from me. I don't know why tho.
We got to the club room to see third year Akihito Kanbara and Hiroomi Nase.
"Who's this Mirai?" Aki
"I accidentally bumped into her and my food spilled on her. I didn't gupet your name though."
"My name is y/n l/n. Second year."
"Lets get stuff to clean you up y/n." Aki
Akihito and Mirai got stuff so I can clean up. While Hiroomi just kept staring at me.
"There you go. All clean up. I am so sorry that this happen." Mirai
"It's okay. It's just an outfit. Nothing that get clean or repair with any trouble."
"We don't have much more time left for lunch. Why don't you eat here for to day?" Aki
"Okay. Mirai you can have some of mine since I was wearing yours."
"Really?! Okay. Thank you very much."
With that Mirai and I shared lunch. Akihito and Hiroomi were whispering to each other about something.

-bell rings- 

"Looks like we have to go back to class. It was nice meeting you guys."
"You can join our club if you want?" Aki
"But Akihito!?" Mirai
"Don't worry Mirai. Y/n is a youmu. She can stay and join the club if she would like." Hiroomi
"How did you guys know?"
"Miss. Shindou has seen you and we see you from time to time in her shop with youmu rock(don't know what they are called). Even with your face cover. Your voice is your voice. And you always have the same bracket on." Hiroomi
He was right about everything. Especially my bracket. The only thing left of my parents. A simple rainbow bead bracket.
"We would have to asked the president first. But if it's okay you could join." Hiroomi
"I'll think of it."
With that I left for class. Maybe something good will come from this.

To be continue
A/N if this is bad sorry.

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