Picture Perfect: Adrien x Model! Reader Part 2

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A/n: Chat: Can You pet me before we continue

Me: fine. *pets Chat *

Chat: *purrs*

Me: *pushes chat into story* let's continue.

Adrien POV

I saw y/n chatting with Chloe, and I bit my lip in worry. I hope Chloe doesn't turn y/n into a brat. Y/n seemed so perfect. Picture perfect. If Chloe were to ruin that, I'd low key murder her. If it's low key, I won't get in trouble. Anyways.

"Hello ladies," I greeted them. Chloe's head whipped in my direction.

"Hi Adrikins, have you met y/n. She's a model just like you."

"I've met her. Hi." Y/n looked generally confused.

"Adrikins? Are you two dating?"

"Yes/No," Chloe and I answered at the same time. I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"It's complicated," Chloe clarified for y/n. She nodded.

A/n: Chloe! Don't lie! Especially about you and Adrien. Who else have you told?

"Are the classes hard?" Y/n asked.

"No!" Chloé and I answered. Chloe continued. "It's not hard when I have Sabrina to do it fo- I mean help me with it.

"Yeah, as long as you pay attention you'll do fine. Also when the teacher calls your name for attendance, just raise your hand and say here. I made a bit of a scene when I first came because I didn't know what to do." Y/n giggled.

Time Skip

School was over. Y/n seemed to enjoy it. She didn't really talk to anyone other than Chloe, Sabrina, and I. We were saying our goodbyes when we both got a text message.

"Um, I got a message from my dad saying you should come home with me," I informed her.

"Yeah, I got a message from my mom saying I should come with you too." I opened the car door for her.

"Ladies first~" She giggled

"Ooooh, what a gentlemen." When she was seated I came into the car. I tripped and landed sprawled across her lap. I was a blushing mess. We stared at each other for a few seconds.

Y/n POV 

Omygosh. This is so embarrassing. We were just staring at each other and blushing. That is, until I heard giggling and a camera shutter. I turned around to see Chloe and Sabrina filling and taking pictures of us. I don't know whether to be angry, or to be happy that I have friends that are able to tease me, just like in the movies. I'm just going to stay impartial to this argument. Adrien quickly got off of me and apologized. The car started, and there was this awkward silence between us. I got a text message from Chloe. Inside was a picture of Adrien on my lap, and a caption that read:

'You deserve him more than I. Good luck: 😉😚😍🥰😘🤗.'

Wow, she really liked emojis.

"What are you looking at?" Adrien asked as he peered over at my phone.

"Nothing!" I answered quickly, and I stuffed my phone in my pocket. He hummed in response, and continued looking out the window.

Time Skip

When we entered the Agreste Mansion, we were met by our parents hard gazes.

"Y/n, Adrien. We have gathered here today, to discuss an important issue," Adrien's father started.

"This may influence the future of our companies," my mother continued.

"But first we need you two to explain this," my father showed us a picture of me kissing Adrien's cheek in the park. We gasped simultaneously. How could I have been so stupid. The park is a public place where someone could have easily taken our picture. And now it's on social media for the world to see. Oh no. My father gave me a disapproving look. I knew that he wanted me to focus on being perfect, and schoolwork and stuff. Not boys. That's one of the main reasons I wasn't allowed to go to school. Adrien and I shared a glance. My father continued.

"Normally, I would approve of this at all. Quite frankly, I would have y/n pulled out of school and grounded for a month for this stunt. But seeing how popular this picture has gotten has given us an idea." This sounded very suspicious. Although I am very glad about avoiding that punishment.

"Let's just say, this will make for an interesting magazine," my mother added. Mr. Agreste suppressed a small smile

"Hopefully one of our best selling ones yet."

Time Skip

And that how we ended up here. In the middle of a romantic photo shoot. With yours truly starring in it. Adrien and Y/n. Yayyy. A majority of the pictures were just Adrien holding me by my waist and we make goo goo eyes at each other. It was an incredibly easy task. I mean they didn't even need to apply any blush when they wanted me to look more in love. Adrien would just lean in really close, and whisper any stupidly romantic thing, and I'd start blushing. Curse you Agreste, and your charm. Basically Adrien was wearing a checkered shirt and jeans, and I had on a summer dress. It wasn't too fancy, but cute. I could hear the staff muttering things about shipping me and Adrien. I couldn't help but wonder why haven't our parents shut this down.

"Okay I need something really special for this last photo. I think you two could come up with something creative, no?" The photographer asked us. I looked up and Adrien, and he was smirking.

"Oh I have a little something planned. I hope this is okay though." Befor I could even ask, he pressed his lips onto to mine. Gently, but passionately. I kissed back. Honestly I was a bit disappointed in us. I mean really? We met like yesterday. I guess love at first sight really does exist. Our kiss became more and more passionate. It seemed like we could stop showing our affection for each other. We eventually broke apart with heavy blushes coating our faces.

A/n: as you can tell, I'm not good at describing kisses. I try for all of you. I still suck though.

The staff then started audibly squealing and fangirling, as Adrien couldn't tear our gazes away from each other. Then we heard a throat clearing. Our gazes shifted to our parents and we gulped. To our surprise they didn't look absolutely furious. My mother looked proud, as if her ship was finally sailing. As for our fathers, they were smiling. It was small, but existent.

"I believe I can trust Adrien, to take care of you. At least it's someone who has some knowledge of responsibility. It assures me to know I won't have to worry about him trying anything stupid with you," my father commented. Adrien nodded.

"Same goes for y/n," Mr. Agreste added. My mother engulfed both of us in a hug.

"I'm so happy that my baby found someone who loves her. I can't help but wonder what my grandchild(ren) will look like."

"Mom!" I exclaimed with a red face.


At school, the scene was pretty predictable. Marinette Angrily biting on our magazine, then throwing her head onto the desk. Alya rubbed circles onto her back reassuringly. Chloe was having a quiet fangirl moment with Sabrina. Everyone else just congratulated us on our relationship. Later when I was sitting with my friends, Chloe made a good point.

"I've been by Adrien's side for 11 years and I couldnt make him fall for me. You on the other hand made him fall for you in two days. Wow."

"I know right. It's crazy." Adren then appeared out of nowhere.

"I don't think it's crazy. I think we're a picture perfect couple."

A/n: hope you enjoyed. Sorry for late update. Don't forget to check out the full book of Kitty Crush. Don't forget to vote, comment, and request

Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now