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This is going to include me not making a lot of friends on the way this is plan two. Anybody that wants to become my friend is going to have to suffer consequences. I don't want any friends during my awesome adventurer therefor I will separate myself from anybody and everybody. People would say that it is rude but I honestly don't agree with the simple fact that people or friends will help you in life. I feel as if "friends" will just hold you down. You probably don't agree with me but I think that if you were to get extremely close to someone you would just end up losing them in the end. Some say love is a drug but I came up with my own life quote "people can be like drugs you can get addicted to them.

That quote that I made up means that you can get addicted to someone and you want to be near them so much that you do anything for their attention because you need it to complete you. When I say anything, I mean anything. One other life quote I go by is "people can be like candy bars" I prefer snickers. That quote means they unwrap you and they just throw you away like you useless. To others it does not make sense but to me it does.

Back to how people can slow you down. People and friends can be fun to hang out with. Don't get me wrong I loved my family but I learned that they will just stab you in the back. When you lose friends or family it will make you sad. When you get sad it slows you down. When you slow down you lose quick progress. No progress equals not saving the world.

I myself think that anything is possible. Okay maybe not everything because if I were to fly into space right now and take off my helmet while being out of the space craft and in the galaxy its self. I probably will die. I take that back I will die.

But that's kind of beside the point. Anything that's in the physics of reality you can do and I don't mean make a unicorn of some sort. Any way as I was saying I'm going to prepare my self in the most brutal, sophisticated, and unproperly way possible. How do I do that you ask once again I mentally torcher myself by thinking that I'm nothing and that just because I'm nothing means I won't die out of the blue. Or purple. Sorry.

let's get started with the torcher already


sorry for the really short chapter leave your comments and questions


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