Be Right There (sonakshisrivastava) (4)

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Be Right There

"Simba, should we go in? It's nearly evening", asked Nala.

I looked at her and then at our kids. They were playing around, carefree.

"Nah honey. Let's wait a little."

She smiled and nodded. The twilight sky made her glow even more majestically. She was my light, and I was so thankful for her presence in my life. Radiance emitted from her and she shone brightly like a queen. My queen.

"Dad! Wanna join? Look! I can climb this cliff so easily!", our daughter shouted.

I looked at her, my eyes gleaming with pride. Nala grinned.

"Be right there, sweetie."

Working Stiff (March 2019)Where stories live. Discover now