Chapter 1 : Okay...? where the hell am i?

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A certain girl is walking at night after her work carrying her useful stuff like cloths, phone, power bank, water, chocolate bar, and other stuff survival like knifes (what you never know what could happen).

-Kuroyuki's POV-

Im walking home now in the dark which i don't mind, and then i noticed a certain two bright star's almost like in the anime that my favorite: Twin star exorcists. And i decided that i make a wish to it that i get transported to the world of twin star exorcists and become the most powerful one that ever lived there (what can't a girl dream being powerful (^-^)*/' )

As i finished wishing which that we know that it will never come true i resume walking home, but suddenly i got really tired and dizzy and all my vision turn's dark.


As kuroyuki fallen asleep (A/N:yep you're only fallen asleep :) reader: really -_-? A/N: yep! let meh take you a nice rest hehe~) a man suddenly appeared in front of the sleeping girl, and whisper something and both of them vanish in thin air with kuroyuki's stuff. Now both of them transported to a place with a big looking tree with it's heavenly colors and little lights that in it. The man is known there as the legendary Abe no seime the one who inventend the exorcists, placed kuroyuki in a tree and he do some ritual and said something that more like a latin word, and the girl begun to glow and for his last word he said.

"Now you're wish is coming true Hime"

Now that his ritual words is done and kuroyuki's body stop glowing, abe no seime carry her again in bridal style and teleported infront of the seika domitory and put her carefuly in the ground and he didn't knock just left cause he knows that the people inside can sense his presence and kuroyuki's.

-Inside the domitory-

As the people are watching in amazement at the little girl then a sudden strong presence came into them and it send shiver to their spine but not to the little girl she just stand up and run in front the door with her big smile, following behind her the others: Rokuro, Benio, Ryogo, Jissama, At-chan, Seigen, Mayura and the purple haired boy(author: sorry not sorry that i forgot his name ;p). As they open the door they and see a girl in 14-16's age in a grey shirt, ripped jeans and black jacket/hoodie. Then the little girl shout approching the sleeping girl which still sleeping in all of the noise.


'Hime...?' though everyone giving confuse faces except Seigen who narrowed his brows.

As the little girl hug Kuroyuki she didn't noticed that kuroyuki is waking up.

-Kuroyuki's POV-

'ugh...why is there something touching me..?' i though as im waking up from a bothering slumber. As i finally open my eye's i see a dreamful people that i really want to meet. 'huh? maybe im still dreaming' i though i look at my suroundings and i notice who is touching me.' A little girl with Green hair color, in the world of twins star exorcists! well thats cool.. but my how?' My thought then inturupted by a red haired boy named: edmado Rokuro.

"hey sae? who is she?" ask edmado

"hm? oh! this is Hime-sama!" Sae answer happily, 'wait did she called me hime..?'

"HIME?!" everyone said shockingly but except Seigen. 'huh typical seigen' i thought

but before i could say something but Ryogo inturrupted "Ah! you'r head bleeding let's go to the hospital before you lose more blood" he said as he said that it alert everyone including seigen but before they can approch me i raise my hand in front of them "Stop. im okay. Please don't worry about me" i say bluntly as they're going to protes but i resume talking "and...i don't feel anything anyways so...please no need to be alarmed"

"b-but you're bl-bleeding and you're not even feeling even pain?" purple haired guy ask which i only nod at his question, then mayura came running to me with a first aid box, as she is about to grab my wrist i simply dodge her.

"And please don't touch me" i say as i look at mayura snd to the others who has worried faces on their faces but seigen... not so...much.

"oh i'm very sorry, I'm Kuroyuki Yazukune" i said while bowing lightly and still have my expretionless face and voice.


-After the intrudoction-

We are all currently inside in the living room and mayura have bandaged my head, and i noticed that Seigen has been eyeing me and it's kinda creepy...and that Sae has not letting go of my hand and not leaving my side which i don't mind.

"so Yazukune-san....what actually are you doing sleeping in front of the domitory?" ask Jissama while walking inside the living room from the kitchen.

"yeah...and why you're head bleeding anyway?" ask mayura sitting in the sofa with edmado, adashino,and the other three seigen sitting a chair.

"To be honest i really didn't know..." i said and resume "i was walking home from work, and i saw a twin star and make a wish to it then after that i continue walking then after a few minutes of walking i suddenly got really tired and dizzy and all my vision gone all black"

"may i ask what did you wish to the twin star?" ask Jissama again.

"My apologise but it's a secret i cannot tell you" i say bluntly.

"oh....and what did you mean you can't feel pain anyway?" ask at-chan the one who has two colored hair balck and red.

"when i was still in my mothers womb she accidently fall from the stairs and it cause damage to my brain and it damage my senses and emotion" i said lowly and i don't care tone. but the look on their faces is pity and worried but Like i care that i dont have emotion or senses. and everyone is quite and i like it.

"oh...i'm sorry" said at-chan with his head hang long.

"no need for pity, i'm used to it and it's kinda the best thing that i could have not getting hurt or sad" i said

"and how old are you kuroyuki-san?" ask adashino-san


"EH!? they all shout not incloud seigen but still eyeing me which i get it cause i may be dangerus.

"wow but you look so young!" mayura said. and i just shruged it while playing at Sae's hair and she giggle which is kinda adorable. Well she is So Kawaii

~-*-*TO BE CONTINUE*-*-~

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