Chapter 2 : Kawaii-chan snap?

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-Last time at Stronger Feelings-


"EH!? they all shout not in-could seigen but still eyeing me which i get it cause i may be dangerus.

"wow but you look so young!" mayura said. and i just shruged it while playing at Sae's hair and she giggle which is kinda adorable. Well she is So Kawaii

-Resume at the Story-


Inside the Domitory is now quite cause of shock just because Kuroyuki is 18 and her appearance is only make her look like 14-15 year old girl due to her short height too. But Kuroyuki couldn't even care in their shock expretions not in-coulding Seigen who just still staring at kuroyuki (well more like a glare). but the quite broke down when the Green haired child speak.

"ne ne! Hime-sama what are you doing here? Did he fou-" Sae ask exitedly, then stop "huh?...who?"

"Huh?...are you ok?" I said in tilted head. When Sae saw my confused face she got worried.
"Oh! Sorry something just slip in my mind!" Sae said, i just shrug it off.

"So...wait! Your basicly saying that you're 18!?!" Mayura ask more like yelled at me, which made me groun at her loudness and my action notice by Seigen him self well im note suprise cause his basicly the closes to me.

"Gomen i ju-" Kinako just cut me off by being panick.

"Ahhhh!!! A kegare! In the North-east part!" It got everyone alarmed excould Seigen and me. But everyone noticed that i'm here and they're not supossed to let ordinary humans to know that their a exorcists. Now everyone is looking at me and it and i hate it.

"You brats go get that filthy kegare" said Seigen that made me suprised that he's staying and i thought that he's supposed to be looking after at edmado and adashino-san.

They just nodded and left off to get their exorcists suits and left us. Now that he only people in the Domitory is Me, Seigen, Sae and jissama, mayura go home 'cause of her mother.

(Author: im sorry for those who love mayura's mother its just i want the other readers to have a chance with seigen sooo that mean's seigen is not mayuras father then lets just pretend seigen had a older brother and thats mayura's father and the other characters that above 15 and btw seigen is 20's)

I follow every movements of Seigen as he sit down in the sofa and his right leg on top of his left leg.

It's so quite after they left not that i care and i like it so peaceful, but Sae broke that peaceful quite.

"Ne....Hime-sama do you really don't remember Abe-nii?" Sae ask now tears are slowly leaving her big (e/c) eye's. Now that I made Sae cry Seigen hard stair at me to glare but it didn't bother me.

"Gomen Kawaii-chan....i really don't remember" i say looking at her big (e/c) adorable eye's not taking a look at Seigen. 'I think it's better not to look at Seigen cause i don't want Seigen taking me that seriously' i thought.

"Oh...but what happend to you? You were missing all these past years?"Sae ask but it really got me confused 'all these past years?' I thought trying to remember.

"Gomen i just....really dont remember being with you or this Abe-nii?" I answered. As Sae open her small mouth to say or question me something my phone suddenly ringed. I open my phone and see it's the land lord of my appartment and when the land lord calls me somethings not right. I answered it.

"Hello this is kuro-" i got suddenly got yelled by the land-lord.

"HEY! YOU BIT-" i cut off the land-lord by endding the call, cause he was gonna say a bad word and i don't want Sae to learn that. 'Wait.....since when did i care to anyone..?'

Sae is about to say something but got cut off by Seigen (poor sae T-T 1vote =1 ♡ for Sae).

"Oi brat, what was that?" Seigen ask with his brows in frown.

" mean the call?" I ask . " Of course what else brat" he say.

"It's the land-lord at my appartment....i think he's about to kick me out for not being able to pay." I say bluntly like not caring if the world is ending.

"Eh? Why not pay it?"

"I don't...have enough..."

"Do you have a job or what?"

" i have a job but not enough. And i dont care if he kick me out it's none of my concern anyways theres always a way to find another home."

"Huh? So you really have thay damge in your useless brain" Seige says coldly. Now Sae is shivering at the intense conversation. But when Seigen say that i have a useless brain Sae snaped.

"Hey! Don't say that to Hime-sama!" Sae yelled at Seigen trying to protect me. As Sae yelled that it made Seigen suprised that Sae suddenly snap at him.

"Hime-sam- hmp!"

I cut at talking Sae again cause this is going on the line. 'Why does she even care me like i can get hurt by his words' i thought while my hand is still in Sae's petite mouth.

" need to snap at's my fault anyway..." i say lowly as i stand up and letting my hand hand off Sae's mouth.

As i was about to walk out the room, i was immediantly stop by Seigen.

"Oi! Where the hell are you going?"


Then i walk out of room to the front door.

Well i guess it's time for adventure...good thing i have my survival bag.

~-^-^~TO BE CONTINUE~^-^-~








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