Chapter 9: The Meeting!!!

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Today was the day I got to meet Jordan's-I mean- My parents ;) I head a knock on the door. "That's them, do you remember the plan?" Jordan asked. I nodded my head. "Okay, here we go." She said as she opened the door. There stood a couple, man and woman. I stood there straight faced as Jordan would have. "Jordan!" The lady said wrapping her arms around me. I stood there and she noticed that Jordan wasn't ready to be hugged. She Lego, then the man spoke. "This must be your guest." He said holding his hand out. Jordan-I mean-I took his hand in a firm grip and shook it. She smiled, "Yes, I am Callie, Jordan's guest." She said. "Let's go eat!" I exclaimed, making it seem like it was awkward. On the table I had a meal that "I" had prepared. We sat down and began to eat. "So Jordan. Still in school I see?" He asked. I nodded my head. "That's good." He said. We sat there eating in an uncomfortable silence. All of a sudden I heard a slam on the table. I looked over and saw an estranged Me meaning Jordan. "We aren't even going to talk about it?!" We're going to sit here and act like the last time we saw each other never happened?! " she said standing up. I stood up and grabbed her, dragging her away, her parents giving us a weird look. I took her to my room meaning her room. "Jordan what the hell was that?! What about the plan?!" I yelled. It only made her more mad. " You know, the last time I saw my parents I told them my sexuality." She said. I immediately stopped being mad at her. She sat down on the bed facing away from the door. "I told them and they left. They left me here to fend for myself. That was two years ago. I still haven't forgiven them and after two years, may I mention not even one phone call or letter, they think they can come home like nothing happened." She muttered.

I sat down next to her. She started crying so I hugged her, allowing her to cry in my shoulder. I heard a noise behind me. I turned and saw Jordan's mom. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked. "All of it..." She replied. "I know what's going on between you two..." She said standing in the door way. "What do you mean?" Jordan said wiping her eyes. "You two have been switched..." She said frowning. "How'd you know that?" Jordan and I said at the same time. "My great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother was switched." She said frowning more. "Tell us more!" We said again at the same time. "Well." She said sitting down on the bed. "Her name was Crystal. She feel in love with a girl. One day they switched and no one knows what happened to them after that." She said. Jordan smiled. "So Crystal fell in love with a girl?" She asked her mother. "Yes... That is why your father and I left you. The legend says that if any other girl in the family of Crystal Black is.... Lesbian, than the switch will happen to them too. We didn't want to lose you... But now we are back to make things right." She said.

Jordan a and I had to share a bedroom that way her parents had a room. "Where am I going to sleep?" I asked. "With me, duh." She said pasting the bed next to her. I sat down. So what exactly happened between us yesterday? " I asked. "Wellyoudaredmetokissyou, I dared you to eat brownies and you made a bet that I couldn't go with out my phone for a month." She said laying down. "Wait what was the first part? Say it slower." I said. "You. Dared ME. To Kiss. YOU." She said rolling on her side to face me. "And did it happen?" I asked laying down. "Nope..." She said sounding disappointed. "Why not?" I asked. "The light turned off and we jumped apart." She said sounding the same as before. "Aw, wanna play truth or dare?" I asked turning the lights off. "Sure." She said seductively. Okay, truth or dare?" I asked her with a mischievous look. "Truth, oh I mean dare" she said because of the look I gave her.

"I dare you to kiss me."

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