Chapter 2: Jealousy Is In The Air

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"Oh. My. Word. Sierra you were totally right! That guy is hot AF!" Cate squealed as she ogled Chris in the cafeteria. Josh looked at me with a frown, clearly not impressed.

"I never said that Cate!" I quickly exclaimed. Josh tended to get jealous quickly and I was not in the mood for a fight.

"Whatever, but I swear I am going to marry him!" Cate stared at him dreamily. I rolled my eyes and turned to Josh.

"How was English?" I asked innocently, trying to distract him from Cate's previous statement.

"Okay I guess." He sounded irritated. Great. Now I feel  bad and I didn't even do a thing.

"Sierra, I heard from Jennifer he sits next to you in math. Did you guys talk?" Blair was eager for more details about him.

"YOU SIT NEXT TO HIM IN MATH?!" Cate was almost yelling with excitement.

"Cate! Would you keep it down please?" I scoffed.

Josh was looking at me, pissed.

"It wasn't like I invited him to sit there!" I snapped at him. Gosh, I should control myself, but I can't take it that everyone made such a big deal out of Chris. Like seriously? He was just a normal guy. Angry, Josh stood and gave me one final glare before he walked out of the cafeteria.

"Well that was extremely childish." Lily said and rolled her eyes. She has never been a big fan of me and Josh dating.

I just sighed and put my head in my hands.

"Oh my gosh. Girls, Nate and the others are coming over!" Susan whispered. I quickly glanced in the direction where the jocks always hang out, which was also where Chris found his new friends. Nate, Susan's boyfriend and 3 other jocks plus Chris was making their way towards our table.

"Hey love." Nate kissed Susan on the cheek.

"Hey girls," he greeted the us and we did the same.

"Well you probably know of him, but let me introduce you to Chris Hunter." He pointed to Chris who smiled at us and I swear I could hear Cate drooling from beside me.

"Chris this is my girlfriend Susan and her friends, Jennifer, Cate, Blair and Sierra." Nate pointed to each one of us as he said our names.

"Sierra. I sit next to you in Math right?" Chris's deep voice stirred my heartbeat ever so slightly.

"Yeah" I answered shyly. The guys joined us at the table, and I felt guilty when Chris sat next to me. Josh would literally burst of jealousy if he saw me now. I shifted uncomfortably, but Chris didn't seem to notice. He and Nate were busy telling the others an engaging episode of how they almost got detention in Physics today. Everybody laughed and joked around, creating a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. But why did I feel so guilty and depressed? Sighing miserably, I stood as the bell rang for the end of break.

"Goodbye Sierra. Nice meeting you," Chris greeted me before he and the other guys disappeared in the crowd.


"Do you know how it feels? Everyone is laughing at me!" Josh's raging voice bellowed over my phone. I was pacing in my room, in the middle of a heated argument with Josh, when Cate entered. I indicated that she should keep quiet and sit on my bed. She nodded and plopped down, reading one of my magazines.

"Josh. Nobody is saying anything. I doubt they even noticed." I said calmly. Keep it together Sierra. Just. Breathe.

"WHAT? Sierra, he is the only thing the people at school talks about. Everyone is going on about how 'hot' he is, you said so yourself! Of course they noticed when he sat next to you in the cafeteria." Josh was on a mission to fight. I could hear it in his voice. And I lost it almost completely. Almost.

"Well, if you weren't so jealous and stayed with me, there wouldn't have been space next to me for him to sit. Plus nothing even happened! Am I not allowed to have friends Josh? Do you want me to not talk to a male ever again? DON'T YOU TRUST ME?" My voice rose with every word I said.

"Sierra. This is not about me-" Josh started again but I cut him off.

"Call me when you are done being an asshole!" I yelled and ended the call. Cate didn't even look up from the magazine, which wasn't shocking because this happened sometimes. Okay I'm lying. It happened a lot. Especially this last few months. Josh and I never fought in the beginning of our relationship, and it frustrates me that things have turned out like this. Letting out a long sigh, I fell on my bed beside her. She stroke my hair gently.

"I can't do this anymore Cate! He is so possessive and controlling. Doesn't he trust me around other guys? Like I have never done anything to make him suspicious of me! And now..." I burst out in tears. Josh is a really nice guy. He is funny, handsome, kind and he can cheer me up on my worst days, but he is usually the reason why I have these meltdowns. I am constantly stressed about what he will say when he finds out I talked with another guy or even looked in someone's direction. And lately, it really feels like I'm not good enough for him. He doesn't make time for me like he always did. Even this vacation I only saw him like 3 times and he never calls me anymore. I'm usually the one who calls him.

"You know what Sierra? It his problem that he can't handle other guys giving you attention. You are one of the most beautiful girls in our school, and he has no right to make you feel like this. You deserve better!" Cate said silently, still busy stroking my hair. I nodded and stopped crying.

"Sierra... are you sure... maybe you should-" She started hesitantly but I cut her off.

"No! I'm not going to break up with Josh!" I said firmly. She sighed and nodded slowly.

"Okay, but let us watch some Gossip Girl while I'm here, I'm dying to see what is going to happen between Blair and Chuck!" 

A few hours later

At around half past 10, I checked my phone a last time before I went to sleep. Nothing. Josh didn't even text me. Depressed and hurt, I closed my eyes, but it wasn't Josh's face I dreamed about that night. It was the face of a handsome guy with emerald eyes, gleaming with mischief and mystery.

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