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The day came fast. Soon enough, the burning sun had made its way up into the sky, thin clouds dotted around. Jamey's shadow had woken up after she squashed her cigarette under her boot, before she had scribbled the word burn onto her forearm.

Her powers did that to her. Every so often she would have the urge to mark her skin, a whispered order into her ear and a shiver down her spine. It started a long time ago, back when she was still naive. Back when she could sleep soundly. She was afraid at first, because new things are scary, but after a couple of years she started expecting it.

Shadowy chants and ink to skin was now a natural occurrence.


Jamey had spotted Number Five walking out of the MeriTech building downtown. She stayed hidden in the side bushes, pistol fully loaded and tucked away under her jacket.

She watched him carefully, counting each step as he got closer and closer to her hiding spot. Then she reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him to her, drawing out her weapon and pinning it up against his chest.

"Hello, Number Five," she greeted cooly, glaring down at him. He was short at 13, well, shorter than her.

"Greetings, my love." English. "I was hoping to bump into you again. Seems my wish came true," Five played, watching her concentrated eyes, fully aware of the pistol at his chest. Although he sure acted careless.

"Care to say a few last words?" she asked, gripping her gun, finger tracing the cold trigger back and forth. She held her breath.

Five only smirked. "Actually, I need your help," he said and jumped out of Jamey's hold, appearing behind her.

The killer whipped around and aimed at him. "I'm done with your stupid jumping act," she hissed. "Now stand still so I can kill you."

Five jumped again, this time leaning in close from behind her. "I'm afraid that won't be happening, beautiful," he whispered into her ear, causing Jamey to falter just a bit in surprise. Five jumped in front of her and swiped the pistol from her fingers.

Jamey grunted and reached out to grab him, but she was a moment too late. She lost her footing and hit the ground with a thud, sighing in defeat, eyes glancing upwards to find her shadow cast on the wall beside her.

"Thanks for the help," her voice laced with sarcasm as she eyed her shadow, who gave her a 'what did I do?' look.

Jamey turned herself over and looked up to find Five staring down at her, arms crossed. Serious eyes. She furrowed her brows and frowned. Why couldn't he just quit?

"You'll get this back after you help me," he spoke to her like a child who had just gotten their favorite toy taken away. She felt her ankle sting where the word weak would soon be written.

"I don't appreciate you talking to me like I'm four," she spat and got up from the ground, dusting the dirt off of her.

Five cocked an eyebrow and stuffed his hands in his short pockets. "Yes, well, you've never been the easiest to persuade, rakkaani. It seems that taking from you is the only way to get what I want. You're very talented you know." Finnish.

Jamey's heart twisted with sadness for a second. Too many old memories came with that sentence.

"Fine," she gave in. "what do you want?" Stupid decision.

"I'll explain later." his eyes darted away for a second. "You know where the academy is, right?" he asked, urgency in his tone now. Jamey nodded her head slowly. Lie. "Good. Meet me there in 20," he ordered. Then he was gone.

Jamey exhaled and squeezed her eyes shut.



633 words

A/N: this took forever to write and i don't know why. sorry if this sucks.

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