Completed Work

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Logan growled softly as he looked at the screen in front of him. The flashing cursor taunted him with the promise of a story well spun, but his fingers refused to do their part in telling said story. He looked down into cold coffee and scrunched up his face. He sighed and stood, carrying the cold mug into his kitchen. He dumped out the contents and set the mug down in the sink. He glanced over to his counter and noticed his cell phone was blinking at him. He picked it up, noticing a couple messages. He sighed and played the first.

"Logan, it's Mac. Dick's not doing too tell today. I don't know what is on his mind, but he's talking about some scary things. I don't know if you are even in LA right now, but, if you could make a visit today, I would be grateful."

Logan ran his hand through his hair and nodded. He knew that his best friend was depressed. He had hoped that Mac finally breaking down and going out with him would cheer him up. But, it only prolonged the breakdown. Dick needed to see someone. He clicked to the next message.

"Lo, it's Wallace. I know you are probably going to say no, but have you seen Veronica? She's been off the radar for a week now. I don't want to worry you. She's probably ok. Her dad is still getting replies to text messages. Just, if you see her, have her call me. Thanks."

Logan sank on a stool. He hadn't talked to Veronica since he graduated Hearst last year. They had spent the three years between Gory and graduation trying to be friends, with mixed results. They worked best if they planned an activity with other people, didn't invite the people they were dating and focused on feather light topics that could easily go over at any location. Alcohol was frowned upon by Veronica, but it wasn't outright outlawed. Logan tended to stay mostly sober and focused on school. He was happy when Veronica seemed to give up on cases and act like a twenty year old. She didn't drink, she didn't party, she didn't date much. But, Logan knew she was safer. She kept her nose out of places that were sure to get her hurt. He tried to ignore that she always had a frown on her face when she thought no one was watching. He clicked the next message.

"Hey. I know it's late and I'm sorry, but I miss you. I miss seeing you and smelling you and feeling you. I'm sorry. I don't expect anything, and if you are with someone, I'm really sorry. I'm not trying to intrude. It's just, I am allowed to miss my friend."

There was a pause at the end of the message that told Logan that Veronica thought about saying more but didn't. She sounded sad, but more than that, she sounded drunk. Logan checked the time of the message. It was from an hour ago, after Wallace had called. Logan sighed and called Wallace.

"Hey." Wallace's tired tone mumbled.

"She called me, an hour ago, sounded drunk and lonely." Logan sighed into the phone. "I didn't hear anything in the background, so I think she's alone."

Wallace made an affirmative listening sound. "I'll check her apartment."

"Were you sleeping?" Logan asked.

"Barely. It's ok." Wallace added a soft chuckle. "Best friend rules out sleep any day of the week."

"I can go." Logan offered. "I should go. She called me."

"Logan, as nice as that is, are you prepared for that that means?" Wallace asked, fully awake now.

"What do you mean?" Logan leaned against the counter. He thought stepping in and helping him with Veronica would be a good thing.

"It's been over a year, man. She hasn't seen you in over a year. She isn't any better. She isn't over you. She hasn't moved on. If you show up, she'll take it as you wanting her back. If you can't do that, don't go over there." Wallace's voice moved around like he was waving the phone around. Logan suspected he was putting a shirt on.

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