Sodium (9)

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We step into the house and I immediately head up to my room. I have to see the neuroliquid. I log onto my laptop and head to ScienceLab and Associates; the official website of the United Times National Science Federation. I log into my account, one that Devan helped me create. But I did n't need help, even if it was super complex. 

I look at the sticky note that Devan gave me. 


I decrypt it and put in the code. It takes me to the page and I smile. I start to read up on the neuroliquid. 

After an hour and a half (and a half a dozen filled pieces of notebook paper), someone knocks on my door. I clear my throat and run my fingers through my hair. 

"Come in," I say softly, not paying attention. The door opens, light creeping into my room. Footsteps come from behind me, slowly getting louder. 

"What are you looking up?" A familiar voice says, softer than ever. Their warm breath brushes my ear and the nape of my neck. I shift a little, my pants suddenly tighter. 

"A nueroliquid? Why do you need to know about that?" They say, running their fingers through my hair. It's Kenny. He's the only one with that voice and the only one who makes me feel this way. I sigh and turn around in my office chair. Kenny is smiling softly at me, leaning forward. He puts his hands on the armrests and leans towards me more. 

I chuckle and his forehead touches mine. He leans forward more and our noses touch. His eyes are beautiful. They may be green as grass, but they have brown and a little bit of blue next to the iris. I smile to myself. I can see the small, almost invisible freckles that are spread over his face. He's cute. Adorable, even. 

I search his eyes, trying to read his emotions. I can see happiness, playfulness,

I smirk and move my head up and open my mouth, setting my tongue slightly out of my mouth. I lick the tip of his nose and he backs up a little. 

"I want to show you something," I say softly. He tilts his head and stands up straight. I stand up, face to face with him. Well, would be face to face but I'm a little shorter than him. 

"Shortie." He says, almost a whisper. I scoff and I shuffle past him. I walk downstairs, him following. I take a deep breath and walk to the bookshelf. 

"Maria, Section 3C-4," I say softly. The book with the black cover on the end beeps and part of the spine opens. I walk in front of it and the recognition software turns on. It scans my face and it beeps. The bookshelf opens and I look back at Kenny. 

"Holy smokes." He whispers. I smile and take his arm. I pull him into the stairwell. I grab the lantern and a match. I light the lantern and lead him down the stairs. 

"You're not going to kill me down here, right?" He asks softly. I chuckle and shake my head. 

"No, but I am going to make you my eternal sex slave," I say, trying to sound serious. I hear him stop walking and I laugh to myself. 

"I was joking. I say simply. He follows me, but hesitantly. We get to the end of the stairs and I take a deep breath. I walk to the corner of the room and flip the switch. The lights turn on with a slight boom and I smile. Kenny looks around and gasps in awe. I look at the pod that I finished a few days ago. Pride swells in my chest. 

"Hey, Maria?" I say, looking back at Kenny. 

"Yes, Ryan?" She says softly. 

"I want you to add Kenny's face to the facial recognition software," I say simply. She beeps and an orb comes out of the wall. It floats towards Kenny and he backs up into a wall. I walk over to him, chuckling to myself. I put my hand on his arm and pull him away from the wall. I gently rub his back and he relaxes. 

I hug him from the back and he looks into the camera. When the camera clicks, I let go of him. 

"In case you want to hang out with me while I'm working on the pod and this stuff," I say softly. He nods and looks back at the pod. 

"What are you going to use this for?" He says looking all around it. I smirk and walk up to him. 

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