Once upon a time war of worlds

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Blue found a door in the middle of the forest. She looked at it with great curiosity and she slowly reached for the door nob. A sound of crackling leaves startled her so she turned the door nob band opened it fast. The cool breeze brought shivers to her she then hesitated before stepping through, but then a yell creamed out which made her jump inside. She wondered to her self what is this place? Now even she has ruled over the Enchanted Forest for quite some time now and she never came across this hidden section. Blue looked at the snow as if seeing it for the first time. "Who are you!?" A voice cried out. "Oh, excuse my intrusion it's just I have no we're else to go" Blue put her head down. "it's quite alright, I just get startled easily and I've been in isolation for quite some time that company is rare." The mysterious women in white walked over to Blue and examined her for a while before speaking once more "your a fairy?what brings you here?" Blue was about to speak when the women said "excuse me I forgot to introduce my self I am Glenda the Good,and you are?" Blue looked surprised that she tilted her head "your a witch?" Glenda smiled "we'll yes, you know we're not all wicked" then she laughed. Blue made her self human size and then curtsied "I am the Blue fairy, but you could call me Reul" Glinda locked her arm around Blue's and they both started walking "now tell my Reul what villain banished you here" Blue quickly looked at Glenda "how..did you.." "How did I know, because it happen to me believe it or not I tried to fight fire with fire and I got burned." Glenda said regretful but kept her head high "we'll I to have committed an awful act to creat good, but I should have known it was going to come back and haunt me." Putting her head down. Glenda released her arm and came in front of Blue "Reul it's ok to make mistakes nobody is perfect not even the gods" Blue looked into her eyes and saw pure innocence and hopeful optimism. Blue realized she had a heart of crystal. "What could have you done to any one that ended you here" Glenda tried to give a smile, but it battled with a true face of sadness her eyes began to water and when her voice spoke her lips twitched " I was the good witch of the north, and a prophecy was told that a great sorceress will come with great power and defeat wickedness. We'll there was this girl named Zelena she had so much potential to be good,but she was blinded by hate,pain, and vengeance that her jealousy consumed her." She paused to wipe her tears "for a while she was able to keep her self from falling,but then this young girl Dorthy came the same way Zelena did and she was pure of heart. I may had second guess myself and so one night Zelena was going to get ride of her competition. So I told Dorthy to pour a bucket of enchanted water on Zelena. So Dorthy did and was able to defeat her, but it was to good to be true as soon as Oz granted her passage home Zelena appeared banishing me and from Oz" Glenda couldn't hold it back no longer and tears fell from her face like a water fall. Blue wiped her tears and gave her a hug "why are you crying? you didn't do anything wrong Glenda" Blue said sympathetic "yes yes I did I gave up on her as so many did. I gave up on a girl who had been rejected by so many yet just wanted to be loved by anyone." Glenda put her head down. "some things can't be rewritten and regrets I have can not be fixed." Blue let go of Glenda and looked deep into her own soul but her eyes were fixed on one thing that she wasn't even paying attention to. She was just lost in her thoughts and then she began to confess "I am deserve this punishment actually worse" Glenda wiped her eyes and stopped crying "what? why? If I may ask" Blue started to speak "I hurt my sister because my lust for power and then I banished her to Neverland the home world of all fairy's and pixie's ,but some how she found her way back and caused pain and hurt to those who had love and happiness because she had lost her's. I went to the Dark One, Rumplestiltskin, to make a deal in order to become Mother Fairy so I snuck into her room that night and took her wings which stripped her of her title. She was so hurt I would never forget her face and I couldn't face her so that's why I banished her." Blue closed her eyes and a tear raced down her face the she started to continue "I felt guilty and mad at myself so I took it out on rumple I wanted to get ride of evil so what better way to get to Rumple then through his son. I gave him a magic bean to go to a place were magic doesn't exist that way they could be happy together and the enchanted forest could live with out fear of the Dark o'One" Glenda stood to her feet extended her arms out to pick up Blue "we'll maybe we can write are wrongs and sow what we reaped" blue wiped away her tears "what do you mean how?" Blue asked curious "we'll I believe there's a piece of good still exists in them and maybe we could help bring it out again" blue looked at her in a confused face "how were the ones that drove them to finally be bad and fall into darkness they won't listen to us!" Glenda looked into her eyes deep and serious "it's worth a try isn't it we started them it's only fare they end us." Blue closed her eyes and nodded.

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