43| forever is a long time

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i think im spoiling y'all with these updates

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i think im spoiling y'all with these updates...smh😂

| Chapter 43 |

| forever is a long time |

Even though they were on the last week of winter break -- and it was, technically speaking, winter -- there was enough warmth in the night air that surrounded Nick and Bree.

Sitting together under the starless sky, on a makeshift bed of quilts and comfy throw pillows, felt soothing to the soul in ways Bree hadn't thought possible.

"This is bliss," she sighed softly, nestling her back further against Nick's chest, where she was sat between his legs. "Just pure bliss. Mm, I wish I could stay here like this forever."

Bree felt the vibration of Nick's chuckle against her back as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tucked his chin in the crook of her neck.

"Forever is a long time, Blondie," he murmured, staring ahead.

"Too soon?" Bree smiled lazily.

"I'm hardly the one to talk," he scoffed slightly, "I seem to have fallen for you all too quickly, haven't I?"

Bree's stomach clenched at the rawness of his words, choosing to carefully dance around its implications than address them right on.

"Doesn't the same go for me too? I mean... I'm here, aren't I? Because I have feelings for you."

He shook his head, his chin pressing down her neck due to the gesture and causing a ticklish sensation. "I think I started looking at you a certain way long before you did, you know. I just... It went from thinking there was no need for us go get to know each other, to wanting to spend every single waking moment with you, all within the blink of an eye."

Bree knew it was taking a lot for him to open up this way; to allow her to take a peek into his heart and the effort to do so alone made her own heart swell with so much admiration for this boy.

Another part of Bree, however, was at a complete loss of how to respond. She had this tendency to look past the depth of his feelings for her. The intensity of them. So that when he did bring it up during moments like these, she somehow felt almost guilty... Because deep down, she knew that he felt more for her than she did for him. At least, that seemed to be the case for now.

Because Bree was only now letting herself be at the complete mercy of the feelings he brought to life in her. Because it was only now, when he was staying and not leaving, that she didn't need to draw lines anymore -- where she didn't need to have boundaries. It was only now that Bree could let her heart have her fill, and oh, did Nick keep pouring himself into that space she'd created just for him.

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