|5| Attack

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Long story short, Yoongi found out that the Jaguar he owns is a male and has a baby too, Minho rescued it too when he heard whimpers and he let the dad out and then looked after him. Yoongi agreed for Minho to keep the baby and the kid couldn't hold it in and squealed so loud Yoongi scolded him

So yeah that was yesterday, Jimin is cuddling Yoongi who has his arms around his kitten and Jimin has his face in his neck still whimpering, yeah the butt plug is still in his hole. Yoongi woke up with Jimins moaning and he rose a brow at him, he didn't like Jimin moaning because of the plug he wanted Jimin to moan because of his dick so he wrapped his arms around his waist and snaked his arm to his ass and forcefully took it out.

Jimin moaned loudly at that and opened his eyes sleepily and pouted at his master who was sitting up and holding the furry tail

"D-Daddy why did you take it out?" He whined cutely and sat us clinging onto his arm and Yoongi rose a brow at him

"Kitten, are you saying you like the plug inside of you instead of my cock?" Jimins eyes widen and he crawled onto his torso and cupped his cheeks sending Yoongi Back Down, he then kissed his lips and Yoongi grabbed his ass making him moan

"Never Daddy, your cock is the only thing I really want inside my hole" he then again kissed him and Yoongi responded kissing back

"Good~ because you're getting your wish" he then flipped Jimin over making him under and shoved his head in the crook of his neck. He sucked on his skin giving him hickeys marking him, he grabbed his thigh and brought it up and placed himself in the middle of his legs while Jimin like a slut to him was uncontrollably moaning at the pleasures

**with Youngjae**

Youngjae was in the town, he wanted ice cream and he left a note to Jaebum saying he left for ice cream and will be back soon. But Jaebum will probably alert it and rush over to rescue his baby.

Once he got his strawberry ice cream he began to go back home, he turned to an alleyway with mud, cobweb it was aswell dark but he wasn't scared there were rapists there talking to each other but the sunshine didn't care he was still skipping his way and licking his ice cream. He was stopped and he turned to the guys who came in his way

"Hey sweetheart" one of them said but he just ignored them and continued eating his ice cream but the other took it and threw in the floor, he pouted at his treat being waged and his eyes darkened

"Look at us when we're talking to you" the one who took his ice cream growled grabbing his arm and pushing him against the wall.

"Such a slut" the three guys took turns in kissing his neck and what did he do?

He laughed

He laughed maniacally while they continued assaulting him, they looked at him as if he was crazy and if you knew Youngjae you would know he was mentally crazy

"The hell? What's wrong with you?!" The buff guy snapped grabbing harshly at his hair but Youngjae only laughed at him, tears began to form in his eyes from the laughing. He grabbed kunais from his back pocket, he's into ninja weapons and he's skilled with them too. He took out four, two in each hand and took it out for them to see and laughed at their terrified faces

"Who wants to play with me~" he said crazily and one turned around making a run for it

"Ohhh~ that bastard~" he then threw the two kunais and in a flash it hit the center of his head and he was dead but Youngjae walked to him and grabbed the kunais and slashed his back open seeing the blood and organs in the view and he smiled

"That Guy is crazy! Run!" The other guy yelled and the other one rapidly nodded and made a run for it until Youngjae grabbed shurikens from his collection inside his jacket. He turned around and threw one at his leg stopping him and he screamed in pain and Youngjae laughed at his state. He threw the other one at the guys back and he fell forward and he groaned in pain

The Psychotic Mafia Lord//Yoonmin [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now