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September 16th tuesday 2014.

dear jelly.

hay so im back jelly how does it feel to know im still here giving you attention hmmm? anyway today at scool the worst happened i made friends with my archenemy's brother yep my enemys brother wow im swear i used to be smart now i cant even put two and two together yay.

ummm at scool i went to bagmington/table tennis club i did both with one of my bestfriends ahh how they can help you through things but anyway halfway through we got bored so we improvised and started messing around messing up peoples aim you know the usual soo being the weridos we are we were sent to the naughtey corner ( and no jelly get your mind out of the gutter ) I.E the time out corner to cool down it did not work but luckily befotre we could get told off again we noticed it was 4 o'clock meaning i had to go home YAY finally but only to realise i had to walk DOUBLE YAY ( notice the sarcasm jelly? )

yeah so i hope you enjoyed the werid yet wonderfull thing i call life i have to do homework sooo adios amgos yay i think i spelled that right?

your truly ( that is not funny anymore ) MCB

P.S ................................ SERIOUSLY WHY YOU COME CHECK THIS YOU DINGBATS!?!

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