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  • Dedicated to puggles

September 23rd tuesday 2014.

hay jelly.

soo today jelly i had to stay home because i had food poisoning yay such fun i was seriously not aloud to eat all day or doi anything so i hibernated yeperrs i slept alll day i must say i felt very happy when ever i would wake up but then i had to rush to the bathroom ans try not to heave ewwww it was gross blah i also got to go on the computer for aboput five minuets so i could tell beth one of my friends what happened to me she had ago at me thinking i was giving her the cold shoulder so i told her why i was not at school but i could not tell her when i was coming back i said hopefully i will be back on wednesday but apparently not i have to go back on thursday whivh i am fine with i have already missed to much school and my friends are gonna kill me with hugs and ya your better things so i hope i will make it out alive.

well that was it for today jelly hopefully wednesday is more eventfull than this because i really want to have something good in here to suprise you with jelly.

yours sincerly MCB

P.S #puggles enjoy it puggles ( beths bag i named it what are you gonna do about it hmmm ) i just made you a hashtag awwwwww SNAP!?! I sometimes question my sanity.

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