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September 18th thursday 2014.

dear jelly.

HI JELLY SO IM IN A GOOD MOOD!?! I wrote that reallllyyyyy big ha hope i did not hurt your eardrums. ( hehe ) any way so today is awesome because i had school: lovely day, hot and sunny i got to school freaking out because i lost my planner ( ......... AGAIN dont blame me blame the .. mess up fairy ) and my planner has my timetable in it thuss not knowing what I had that day thuss i had to go on a little run around school with my bestie beth to find it ahhhh good times. not to mention we had to go to class in what 5 minutes but luckly we found it in science now dont ask how it got there because i do not know seriously i did not have science the day before ... i think.

well that same day i had to walk home and considering i live about an hour away god but that is not the worst part i had to walk wioth my sister and she is sooooo slow like seriously i have seen snails faster than that soo we got home around 5 to 5 yep 1 hour and 55 minutes to get home, not to mention i put on some soft music lead down in bed and went to sleep only to be awoken about half an hour later by thunder and lighting to say i was scared is an understatement and no im not afraid of thunder or lighting its just if you were waken by a big BOOM AND A FLASH you would be scared to ok? ok.

now your probably wondering what i am afraid of well im afraid of owls yep and i dont remmeber if i put this in it so yeah hope youy dont remmeber but i have oclophobia ( yep a fear of owls how werid is that but oh welkl i hav e come to accept it but to NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER try and confront it.

well thats it for today i for one cant wait to see what is going to happen tommorow well only one way to find out i guess write in ya later.

yours truly ( i need to put something else therte its getting old ) MCB

P.S i hope you enjoyed that jelly and the worst thing is the thunder and lighting have not stopped oh lord save me ahh i hate listeninhg top thunder it scares me half to death and if that happened twice i would be dead. geez klighting calm down no need to get excited all i did was say i would be de- wait a minuet HAY ill be back tommorow im just going to have to have a go at the sky BUH-BYE.

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