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Chase ^

"Got everything?" Skyler asked. It was six-thirty in the morning and, despite the earliness, excitement pumped through his vines. Zach was just putting the last of his stuff in the trunk of Skyler's car.

"Yep. Do you think we should bring Chase, he'd make a good hunting partner."

"Ha ha that'd be cute. Make sure he's quiet, just when we're scouting. I don't want him barking and scaring all the deer."

"Oh, yeah of course. Chase!! Hold on let me get his leash."

The large German Shepherd ran towards the two boys, wagging his tail in excitement.

"Come on." Skyler urged, and Chase jumped into the back his gray Jeep.

"Hey buddy." Skyler's uncle said and rubbed his head from the front seat. "He'd be useful if we hit one, then he can chase after it and take it down. Or a young one. Don't let him get close to a buck or he might take a swing at him."

"Don't worry, he's well trained. He worked in the police department. Chase sit. See?" Zach said as his dog obeyed. He got in the car and they began to drive away.

"The hard thing was teaching him to chase after stuff. We had to say 'chase after' instead of well, Chase." He explained, his dog looking up at him when his name was said.

The suburbs started to melt away and soon the four were surrounded by the lush, orange and yellow leaves of the trees. The car pulled left and onto a dirt road that tore into the forest. Dust kicked up and gravel flew and crunched as they sped past the hundreds of trees that made up Hesper Forest.

"This looks like a good spot." Skyler's uncle proclaimed and pulled to the side where there was a divot in the road. Zach clipped a dark gray leash onto Chase's black, leather collar and jumped out of the car.

"Hey, you're wearing your bracelet." Zach noticed and pointed to the string of dull, black onyx beads around Skyler's pale wrist.

"Yeah, it gives me luck. Also it's a token of our friendship. Couldn't live without it. It feels like it was yesterday when you gave to me. Do you have anything like it? Something that's lucky?"

"That was five years ago and no I don't think so. Does Chase count?" He laughed.

"No I don't think so," Skyler said once he recovered from laughter.

"Alright boys are you ready?" His uncle asked. Once the two nodded he began to explain how to work the gun and how to be safe. "Skyler you're sixteen so I'm going to trust you with this and because your friend is busy babysitting his poodle."

"Hey!" Zach shouted as the two laughed at him. "Chase is not a poodle, he's a German Shepard. And he's trained may I add. I can have him rip your throats out with the snap of my fingers." His 'tough guy' act only made them laugh harder and he began to sulk.

"Yeah, I'm sure your death poodle can kill us," Skyler said sarcastically, still laughing and gestured to Chase who was too busy scratching his ear to notice what was going on.

"Whatever, Chase, you're my new best friend. Yeah, that's right, you've been replaced. By a dog!"

"Ouch Zach. I thought we were friends," Skyler said in mock hurt.

"Alright boys that's enough. Come on lets go. Scout a bit then come back and get me."

Skyler walked into the forest, looking back to make sure Zach was following.

"Come on Chase. And no barking, ok bud?" Zach said and lead his dog into the forest.

"Do you think we will actually get something?" Skyler whispered.

"Wait. Stop. Do you hear that?"

The boys stopped and looked around, searching for signs of an animal hidden away in bushes that surrounded one of the trees. All eyes were in Chase as he stepped forward, his head lowered to the ground, ears raised up, and his eyes focused on the bush as he stalked towards it. Zach unclipped his leash and held him by his collar. A gray and brown rabbit suddenly ran out of the bush and away from the boys. Chase broke into a run, breaking free of Zach's grasp and chased after the rabbit.

Determined not to lose his dog and to catch something Zach began running after him, Skyler running faster, a few feet in front of him.  His legs pumped back and forth and hot blood rushed through his veins as he ran.

"Chase!" he called "Run ahead I'll look around here."

Skyler nodded and ran forward.

"Chase, come here bud." He looked around, hoping to see his lovable German Shepard come to him, but instead, he was meet with the same oak and sycamore trees that were scattered everywhere in the forest.  Each tree held golden orange leaves that were daring to fall, yet none did. He walked on, the earth below him covered in patches of soft, green moss and small ankle-high weeds scratched his legs.

Something shined under a tree for just a second and Zach curiously walked towards it. It was a watch with a silver frame. He picked it, the soft caramel leather brushed his palms as he picked it up.

This is pretty cool. Why would anyone abandon this.

Zach turned around only to met with a dark figure in the distance.

"Chase?" Zach asked, hopeful yet scared. He turned head, thinking he heard a noise but when he looked back the figure was only a couple yards away. It was a black wolf, his head low and eyes fierce. He lifted his head, his eyes meeting Zach's and growled. Zach turned around and started running, not daring to look back.

"Skyler. Skyler helped me!" He yelled as the wolf chased him. He took a peak behind him, the wolf was gaining on him.

Suddenly he tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground with an echoing thump. A sharp pain could be felt in his right ankle and Zach flipped himself over on to his back, scooting back in fright now that running was no longer an option. His silver watch laid on the ground next to him. He turned his attention back to the wolf who was slowly stalking closer as if to taunt him.

All of a sudden there was a flash of light and a white wolf appeared in between Zach and his death. This wolf was different though, it looked translucent. A loud growl emitted from the creature's throat and it ran towards the black wolf. He ran away, not stopping even though the white one did  after a few yards.

The white wolf turned her head to look a Zach before fading away...


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