Chapter 5: Meet My Parents

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"C'mon, Vi, they're really nice, I promise" said Clem, trying to convince Violet to meet Lee and Carly

"But what if they don't like me" asked Violet

"Trust me, they'll love you" assured Clem

"Ok fine, but only cause I love you" said Vi, earning a kiss from Clementine

Time skip

Clem and Violet walked into Clem's house where Lee and Carly where sitting on the couch

"Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Violet" said Clem

"Uh... Hi Mr. and Mrs. Everett" said Vi

"Please, call me Lee, and this is my wife, Carly" replied Lee

"Hello, would you like something to drink" asked Carly

"No thanks" said the blonde

After a few more minutes of talking to Lee and Carly, Vi and Clem headed up to Clem's room

"You wanna smoke" asked Clem as she began to grind up some sticky

"Fuck yeah I do" replied Violet

After Clem packed a bowl she passed the pipe and lighter to Violet

"Just make sure you blow your smoke out the window, so my parents don't smell it" said Clem

Vi let her lungs fill with smoke as a wave of euphoria washed over her, she blew out the window and passed the pipe to Clem, who took a deep hit and let the THC do it's job

After a couple more bowls the two girls took eye drops and sprayed themselves with perfume

"I guess it's only fair I meet your parents now" said Clementine

"I don't think that's a good idea" said Vi

"Why not?"

"I don't know my dad, and my mom doesn't know I'm gay, if she found out I'm sure she'll disown me" said Violet

"Oh shit, that sucks" replied Clem

"Yeah, sure does"

The two girls left the room and headed outside

"I guess I'll head home now, love you" said Vi

"Love you to, babe" said Clem

The two kissed, and Clem did something she has never done before... She stuck her tongue in Violet's mouth

Sorry I took so long to update

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