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The rain was pouring down on the man, as he walked slowly back to the safe zone,  his crossbow in his arms, held up in case an infected attacked him by surprise. It was hard to see through the darkness and the rain, the only source of light the man had was the occasional flash of lighting.

As a flash of lightning happened, the the sound of the thunder had passed after it, the man heard a sound coming from his left. He quickly spun around, his crossbow raised in the direction of the noise. "Who's there" he called out, as he always did when hearing something he didn't know.

There was silence for for a moment, until another flash of lighting struck, illuminating the old city streets. There, in front of him, in the alleyway, 5, or 6 figures stood, hiding behind the wall's and old dumpsters, starring at him.

They weren't infected, since the infected wouldn't be so quiet and still and just staring. Infected would be moving towards him when he spoke, and would be making groaning noises. These weren't people desperate for help, or else they would have came forth and asked for help. No, these guys didn't want to be seen. They wanted to ambush him.

Fear flared up in the man, as he quickly spun away and ran. He had heard of the rumors of bandits, raiders and violent groups, but he didn't think they would be so close, especially close to the safe zone.

As he ran, he heard a pair of footsteps behind him, that came closer and closer. Wanting to loose them, the man quickly took a turn into an alleyway. However, the quick action along with the wet ground, caused the man to slip, having him hit against a wall.

He hissed in pain the came to his back after hitting the hard surface, and his ankle which was probably twisted from turning quickly. He grasped at his ankle, hoping to ease the pain, even a little bit. Distracted by the pain, and the sound of the thundering rain, he hadn't even notice someone was standing before him.

He was reminded however, when something was shoved close to his throat, and he froze, looking up at his pursuer. Even in the dark, he could tell they were young by their size, but it was hard to see their face with their hood pulled up and blocking out the light from the lightning.

He felt his heart racing in his chest. Was this it? Was this how he was going to die? If they were going to kill him, they should at least aim for his head. He didn't want to come back as one of those, those things.

Moments pass, the the person didn't do anything, just staring at him. The man was preparing for the cold knife to end him, but it never came. Instead, he felt the knife being pulled back slowly, and the figure hesitantly standing back up, and took a step away from him.

He didn't know if they were letting him live, or planing to do something else with him, so he took the chance to get up, and limp away as quickly as he could make himself. He didn't hear them following him, which he was glad about.

He had to report this to the higher ups.


"Callum! Callum look at this!".

Callum lifted his head up from his drawing book, and over towards the bedroom door, where his younger brother stood, holding something in his hands.

"What is it Ez?".

"Well, when I was out close to the stream, I found this just floating down towards me. Do you know what this could be?" Ezran asked his older brother, walking over to him, and held his hands towards him to show the object in his hand.

Callum set his drawing book down next to him on the bed and looked at whatever his brother was holding. It was small, and wet from being in the stream that was close to the safe zone wall's not to far away. It had a block like shape, and from what Callum could see even though it was covered in wet mud, it was made of plastic, and had paint on it.

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