Sorting Hat

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(Felicity's pov)

Oh brother.
From the moment that blonde, Astra
Citali, walked through the compartment door Felicity knew something was up.
Of course she didn't know what to expect. Whatever she thought was definitely not a breakout of Azkaban, especially of the, now that Voldemort was dead, most dangerous wizard named Solgold.
To retaliate this, the wizards, elves, and demigods had revealed that they existed to each other.
Felicity already knew that the demigods had sent some of their species to Hogwarts years ago. The demigods being Valerye and all of the Divons.
Now that Solgold had resurfaced as a threat, the elves came to Hogwarts to help integrate their supposedly superior minds, in how they could stop him since he is a threat to them as well as the wizards.
He already joined up with the elves terrorist organization called the Neverseen.

Felicity listened to Astra and Morgana piece this together in a dull mood.
Fred nudged her shoulder to get her attention.
"Are you ok?"
She nodded untruthfully and tried to join in the conversation more frequently.

After the hat had sung its song and the sorted first years sat down, Headmaster Mcgonagall rose gracefully from her seat and began,
"Welcome to our first years, and now we will be sorting the elves who have very graciously chosen to join our academy this semester, and hopefully for years to come."
She sat down again, waving for Professor Weasley to continue in the procession.
"Citali Astra."
Astra rose from a row of benches off to the side and walked daintily to the stool where she was to be sorted.
The hat was silent for numerous minutes on her perfect blonde fluffy curls.
"Ravenclaw!!" It shouted eventually.
Astra looked relieved as she went to the cheering Ravenclaw table.
Again, like pretty much every year, across the hall Fred, Valerye, and James Potter all shouted their guesses for each person.
They cheered loudly when they got it right, and booed when they were wrong.
To Felicity, it was the most obnoxious and hilarious thing about the opening ceremonies.
"Foster, Sophie!!"
James shouted Gryffindor as the hat touched her head.
The hall remained silent.
Was the sorting hat broken or something?
Students mumered amongst themselves as to what the hold up was.
After five minutes at least, the hat shouted "Ravenclaw."
Sophie stumbled from her seat and hurried over to sit next to Astra and Morgana.

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