Twisted Leg Turns Dog

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Astra was sorted into Ravenclaw, whatever that meant, she had no clue.
At least Morgana was in that house as well so she wasn't lonely.

Her first couple weeks were dreadful. First, all elves are vegetarians. Although the wizards provided us with a buffet full of gnomish vegetables, it was still sickening to her that everyone else was eating animals. Second, how did they expect elves without magical capabilities to perform magic in some classes? Thank goodness she wasn't required to do Charms.
Third, they all speak english, not a language she was fluent in.

Now she, Sophie, and Morgana were sitting in the Ravenclaw common room chatting.

"And that's how Harry Potter was chosen by the dark lord to be the boy in the prophecy."

"Huh, I agree somewhat with that. Yes Harry was chosen by Voldemort for their own private war, but by taking his parents away, Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters chose Neville to fight them.
While Harry was off fighting Voldemort with nobody to protect or think of other than Hermione and Ron, Neville was battling for the soul of Hogwarts with the entire student body as collateral damage."

Sophie Foster finally spoke from her chair. "What she's trying to say is that while Harry was alone in the forest, Neville was at Hogwarts fighting death eaters with the D.A., The Order of Phoenix, and the remnants of their families to worry about.
Harry was chosen for a solo mission, while Neville was chosen to lead an army."
"That's exactly what I was thinking." Astra nodded at her.

"Huh, I never thought of it like that." Morgana said, brushing some of her frizzy black hair out of her dark blue eyes.

"And that's exactly why we were sent here, for our different point of view. Maybe you could tell us about Solgold?" Astra leaned forwards in her chair.

"We know next to nothing." Morgana admitted. "He was a loyal death eater to Voldemort, and he escaped from Azkaban, that's all."

"Humph." Sophie huffed, looking outside the window to her left at the setting sun.


The Ravenclaw's door swung wide open and the three girls jumped to their feet.
"Trevor?" Morgana asked, lowering her wand and walking over to his breathless self.

"Val *huff huff* Valeyre twisted *huff huff* her ankle *huff huff*" he panted.
Morgana paled, checking the sky.

"It's just a twisted ankle right?" Astra shrugged, "it's not that bad."

"It is, trust me. Come one, I'll need both of you." Morgana raced to the exit.

Sophie and Astra exchanged glances before coming to the same conclusion and chased after her, leaving Trevor to catch his breath.

"What's so bad?" Astra asked once they caught up with her.

"We have to get her out of Hogwarts before the moon rises, or we'll all be in danger." Morgana explained as they climbed up the moving staircases.

"Whoever thought moving staircases were a good idea. . . " Astra muttered as the one they were on began to move under their feet.

"Miss Foster!" Sandor and the rest of her crew had followed them.

"Go!" Sophie insited as she turned to distract them.

Morgana and Astra burst through the Gryffindor common room and raced up the girl's staircase.

Valerye was standing, leaning against the wall with her face twisted in agony. Dani, Felicity, and Fred were already there.

"Where's James." Morgana asked.

"He went to get a stretcher so we can push her on top of it down the stairs." Fred told her.

"And have her hurdling over the edge of the moving staircases?! NO!! We will levitate her down. Then we don'thave to wait for James to return with the stretcher." Morgana said, slipping her wand out.

"Seriously! Tell me what is going on!!" Astra pleaded.

They ignored her and Morgana chanted. "Wingardium Leviosa."

Valerye floated into the air and Morgana seized one of her hands.
Fred grabbed another, while Dani, and Felicity had ahold of her ankles.

"Lead the way to Hagrid's hut." Dani ordered.

Muttering, Astra opened the portrait hole for them, and led them down the fastest route she could find to the main floor.

By the time they exited the castle, the sun had sunk below the horizon, and stars had sprinkled the sky.

"I'll take it from here guys, go before it happens." Valerye said as they raced to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"Before what happens?!" Astra begged to understand.

The world around them lightened a bit as the clouds around the moon thinned.

Behind them, James and Trevor jogged to catch up.

"Put me down!" Valerye twisted from their grip and undid the levitation spell with her own wand.

What she did next, surprised them all. She tossed Astra the wand.
"Keep ahold of it till I return." Was the last thing she said before the moon peeked out of the clouds.

Morgana, Dani, Felicity, and Fred all backed away from her carefully.
Valerye hunched over, grabbing handfuls of her blood colored hair and covering her face.
"This is where you come up." Morgana whispered.
"What?" Astra whispered back.
"Force field. Around all of us. Now." She said, pulling her wand back out of her pocket.
Astra hesitated as Valerye straightened up again at least a couple feet taller than before.
Her legs had grown longer and hairier, same as with her arms.
But the most transformed was her face. Gone was the beautiful flawless skin, now her nose had grown to be like the muzzle of a dog and her ears had as well.
"Now." Morgana squeaked.

Valerye the werewolf jumped at them and Astra raises her hands as a white blinding light blotted out her vision.

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