14 ~ The Full Moon Terrifies Me

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Many years ago, I decided to leave my life behind and move to a remote forest after my wife died to cancer. I just couldn't bear to be around my friends and family after it happened. A whole 2 years had passed and everybody still walked on eggshells around me. Every time I was invited out by my friends they would constantly be hanging off my shoulder, I wasn't allowed to go anywhere by myself, I wasn't allowed to talk to strangers because "They might trigger you."

In truth, my friends were a bunch of stupid fucking millennials who I worked with, they were obsessed with being politically correct. I just couldn't fucking handle it anymore. The day they told me that was the day I said "fuck it" and began to pack my things. A few clothes, blankets, couple tubes of toothpaste, a few photos of the people I truly loved, and my wife's urn. At that time, I had no idea where to spread her ashes. My family and friends, or co-workers more rather, told me to just spread them wherever. My real friends told me to find the perfect spot, a place where she could overlook the world and "paint it how she wanted me to see it" as Danielle told me. She's who I considered my best friend, we met in high school and became inseparable. As time went on, she was the one who encouraged me to ask out my wife. She was right, and then we became a crime fighting trio. But that's a story for another time.

I spent a few weeks on online forums asking around about places to be isolated, for the first few days I got no responses until some guy messaged me with a set of coordinates. I can't tell you where or what they led to, all I can say is that there was a couple of cabins for people to use and it was a mistake to ever search those coordinates.

I met up with my real friends, all four of them, for one last time before I told them my plans. They were against it of course, any normal person would be. Hell, if I could go back in time, punch myself in the face, and tell myself I'm making the biggest mistake of my life...let's just say I would probably hire a hit man on myself. They understood however, and that was that. I said my goodbyes, and left for home. Well, what used to be my home.

The following day I shoved my gear into a big hiking pack and drove a few hundred kilometers west, arriving in an average sized town complete with a hospital to a police station I Sold my car to a scrapyard and pawned off my phone for some extra cash. Bought myself a GPS and then I stocked up on whatever canned food I could fit into my pack, a few boxes of matches, some water and a bottle of whisky. The whisky wasn't very necessary but it certainly helped on cold nights, especially in the snowy winter.

The forest was, again, directly west of the town. The tree line started maybe 200-300 meters away from the towns edge. Rather than standing around and wasting daylight, I started my hike through the forest. It took maybe 5 hours to reach the cabin, probably due to the wrong turns I took.

In the weeks that followed it was peaceful, usually quiet. The occasional group of teenagers would come into the forest to have a bonfire and get drunk. A nice, older woman by the name of Beatrice who lived in one of the cabins a few kilometers from mine would usually come and clean up all the empty beer bottles and the used condoms they would discard all throughout the forest. I would usually join her in keeping the area tidy, stopped the aggressive animals showing up in the middle of the night too. Eventually, I met the other people living in the few cabins. Many had not known I existed and worriedly asked if the Tree Walkers had bothered me. I learned from the cabin dwellers that the Tree Walkers were a group of people from all over the world who had decided to group together and thrive off of each others cultures. It was then I should've packed my gear back up and left, but I stupidly stayed. Unfortunately, by staying I had to be introduced to them.

I was escorted by Beatrice and a man named Charles who was maybe a decade older than Beatrice. I didn't know, sadly I don't think I will ever know. Charles had disappeared later that month. But that's besides the point.

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