15 ~ My Family Left me with A Serial Killer

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I don't understand how or why they would leave me but they did. My family were loading themselves onto the car after they packed up all their things because there was someone in our town killing everyone and they weren't taking any chances. Right before I had closed the car door I realized we had left our dog in the backyard and I couldn't just leave her there with that monster running around. I told my family to wait for me while I got her. As I was running around our backyard and found her I ran back to the car but by then my family was gone. They left me. They really left me was all I could think of. I began to panic, I didn't know what to do. If I had tried to leave the town by foot the serial killer would have surely found me and killed me by the time I was able to safely get out of here. I had no other choice but to hide in my home and hope my family will come back even though deep down inside I knew they wouldn't.

I began securing my home and making sure I had things to defend myself in case the serial killer came across my path. On the first night of being alone I couldn't sleep, all I could remember was lying wide awake with a knife in my hand and my dog trying to comfort me as I was fearing for my life. It wasn't too long until I heard something coming from outside my window. I shot up out of my bed as did my dog and readied myself for anything. I gently peeked my eye out of my window curtain and to my surprise, I saw a girl. She was around my age with blond hair and hazel eyes. She noticed the curtain move and looked in my direction. As we both locked eyes in shock, she begged me with big pleading eyes, "please, let me in." And so I did.

As I let her into my home she burst out into tears thanking me. As she was crying I had to interrupt her and ask the question that was running though my head as soon as I saw her, "why are you here?" She explained to me her situation which was by far worse than mine. Her entire family had been murdered. The serial killer had came into their home at night when they were sleeping and killed them all. Luckily she had been up in her attack reading that night and not in her room but I can't even imagine the feeling she felt when she finally came back down to find her entire family dead. After she realized what had happened she couldn't bear being in that house ever again, so she left. She started taking shelter in abandoned homes and relied on whatever she had found inside of them. She told me she would only stay there for a couple of days before leaving onto to next either because she ran out of food and water from the home or because she felt she had stayed there for too long and did not want the same thing to happen to her as to what happened to her family. So on that night she had stumbled upon my home and was trying to find a way in so that she could get some rest and lay low for a couple of days. What she didn't expect was to find another person in there. After she had explained her current situation, I did too. What we both didn't realize though was that this was only the beginning of our devastating and fateful journey together.

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