(5)Meet you

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You stepped into room 603; all eyes had turned towards you. Making your first entry was (as you knew) a free ticket for students to see and judge you mentally or physically.
"The names y/n s/n" you abruptly blurted out, even shocking yourself.
Shit I regret that
Mephisto as a dog didn't have many ways of expressing his emotion or opinion but somehow he raised his 'eyebrows' at you and sighed, however dogs manage to.
With all guilt and pride left in yourself, you walked to an empty desk near to the back of the gargantuas room; while Mephisto scuttered alongside you and clambered onto the desk.

'Damn shes cute'
'Ya I place dibs'

"Shima, Rin please be modest and remain silent"
Three voices were heard from the front of the class, a boy with black hair and one with pink were being scolded by a boy with brown hair and glasses.
'I still place dibs'
You blushed looking over at Mephisto for any 'I just got in here and I'm being hit on through speech advice'
He just nodded towards the guy wearing glasses and wearing a long black cloak.
"y/n I am ever so sorry" he glared over at Rin and Shima "about these two gentlemen... I will be having words with them both, but anyway welcome I am your teacher Yukio Okumura. I will be giving you guidance towards becoming an exorcist"
"Nice to meet you Mr Okumura"
Yukio warmly smiled then started speaking to the class.
Mephisto looked over at you and wagged his tail slightly.
"Yukio knows about your purple flame y/n. However I have given him strict instructions to treat you like everyone else"
You stared back at the white dog slightly annoyed about the fact that he was making a big fiasco over a flame.
"Okay fine, but still I don't get why you worry so much about my purple flames.."
Mephisto didn't look over at you, but instead ignored your comment and carried on judging his employee Yukio.
A massive yell was heard from the front of the class, making you jump.
Rin was at Yukios Side, yelling threats in front of everyone.
"What do you want to talk about?"
The black haired was getting increasingly angrier by the minute.
Rin spat.
"Fine if that's how you want it,can everyone please leave the class for a moment; me and Mr Okumura here need to have a talk"
The fuck is going on in this wacky place??
Mephisto looked over you.
"Y/n go outside the classroom please, I however must stay for reasons that need no explanation"
You have got be kidding me?
Arriving back into the classroom felt like waltzing into a bombed war.
Burnt tables and broken lamps were scattered all over the wooden chestnut floors.
Rin and Yukio were smiling and mephisto was once again wagging his white plumage of a tail.
"The hell is up with them?"
A tall boy with coloured hair and
piercings stated.
"Yh enough about them, what happened in here?"
You said to the 'punk rock fail' boy you hadn't yet known the name of.
"Please return to your seats.. well the ones that are left untouched and class will carry on"
Well that was a load of bollocks
You sighed to yourself, whilst walking back on the bridge to the 'non exorcist' part of True Cross Academy.
Mephisto had left you after the class had finished as the clown made a fuss of not enough sweets. The word confused was currently not enough in your mind.
"Well y/n I must hurriedly go,Im far too worried for my ancient China glass vase breaking if he has no sugar ooga booga jelly sweets left"
"He? Wait sweets? What the hell? Mephisto are you taking pills or something, that whole sentence made no sense"
The whole conversation was quite daft, however you had learnt not to judge mephisto when it came down to plainly anything.
You grabbed a plate from a cuboard in your dorm to put your sandwich on.
You previously decided to eat lunch at your dorm instead of being with other students in a huge cafeteria. Quite frankly you were known to be not the  most social type.
"Omg this looks so good.."
You said, mentally drooling over your sandwich.
As you went to sit down on the little mahogany desk which was at this current time being used as a table; a knock was heard at your window.
Making you startle slightly you placed the plate down on the desk then walked over to your window.
A small black bird was stood on the windowsill tapping at the glass with its beak. Around the birds neck was a little bit of rope and an old parchment.
"What the hell..?"
You opened your window and slowly untied the rope of the bird. Slightly nervous it was gonna peck your hand, you did your task rather quickly.
As soon as the parchment was off the bird, the little feathered creature flew away.
Opening the parchment with curiosity filling you was rather exciting.
Dear y/n
Please come to my office immediately; reasons for this will be explained in advance. Here is another key to travel to my office. Just put it in your front door lock and I will see you soon.
Dearest regards,
"Oh of course Mephisto would be behind this but what key...WHAT?!"
Halfway through your complaint the letter turned into a gold key. The key had a little gold engraved star on it.
Walking over to the front door of your dorm you eyed up the gold lock. Placing the key into the the lock a click was suddenly heard once the key was moved ninety degrees to the left.
Once opening your dorm door you entered an exquisite ,elegant office. Kitted our with sofas, chairs, tables and even many flowers.
You didn't want to imagine the price tag this came with.
The walls and ceiling were a deep red matching the interior of Mephisto's pink limo.
As your eyes gazed upon the furniture a voice spoke up.
"Like what you see y/n? You have fabulous taste if that's a yes"
You looked straight ahead of you, Mephisto sat behind his cultivated and rather big desk. Smirking at you and fingers tapping against the wood of the desk.
"Oh sorry hi Mephisto, and yeah its pretty neat.. But!Like the key... th- the key transported me here! How?!"
Mephisto burst out laughing.
"Oh dear y/n you do tickle my funny bone! That's a teleportation device dear. With the right intention you can practically go anywhere you desire at True Cross"
"no way.. SWEET!"
As you were admiring the key the penny dropped.
"Y/n I asked you to come here to meet someone not to be admiring a bit of gold"
Mephisto said in a dark tone.
Looking up at Mephisto, you shoved the key in the little pocket on your shirt.
As you did a figure jumped down from off the ceiling. Landing with unharmed ease. Making you heavily jump.
"Y/n meet my brother, Amaimon."
Amaimon had green hair with a large amount sticking up at the peak of his head. A bored expression was plastered on his face. He wore a striped shirt and tie. Spotty shorts or very short trousers you couldn't tell. Brown boots and a skull belt. To top of his terrible fashion sense off he wore a long black/dark brown cape with the bottom half of it all ruined. Massive holes were seen in it.
Standing up peculiarly straight and with his hands in his pockets Amaimon spoke.
"I'm Amaimon, King of Earth. Nice to meet you"

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