Chapter 02

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Chapter two and you and ready! Hope you guys enjoy~

Chapter 02:

"You're amazing Nari-nee-chan!" A little girl praised. Ako Hyakuya gazed at Nariko with stars in her eyes.

Fumie tugged on the hemming on Nariko's white dress then questioned, "who's coming next!"

"Let's see." The red eyed child smiled, placing her right index finger on her chin. "Hmm." She put a confounded look on her face as she pretended to think hardly. Then she snapped her fingers, "He's a human. I know who he is and you guys know too. He has blonde hair-"

Ako raised her hand up jumping up and down, answering. "Oh! Oh! Oh! I know, it's Mika-nii-chan!"

And just as Ako Hyakuya exclaimed that, the blue eyed boy walked through the door. "Did I hear my name?" He questioned.

Akane who was washing vegetables smiled, divulging "it's just that they're playing the 'Who's Coming Next?' game."

"I see." Mikaela said, understanding.

It had been three months since Nariko Tanizaki met and became friends with those from the Hyakuya Orphanage. Once she had stopped a running Ako by placing her hand on the little girl's shoulder and had warned. "Vampires are coming. Be careful." Then from that very corner a trio of commoner vampires had appeared as Nariko had forewarned. If she didn't stop Ako from sprinting then, she would have ran into the vampires. And who knew what would had happen next?

There had been times when they were playing hide 'n' go seek and Nariko had always known where to find everybody when she had been 'it'.

Then there was the time Fumie Hyakuya had gotten lost. Mikaela, Yuichiro, Akane and the others couldn't find her. When Nariko had came and had heard of the situation, like how they had played hide 'n' go seek, she had been able to find out where the missing Fumie was without any prior knowledge of where she had last been or had last been seen.

That was when Fumie had jokingly guessed that Nariko had the ability to see the future.

At that time Nariko had shaken her head then had corrected her, telling everyone that she possessed something like a sixth sense. The Tanizaki had told them three things about this extra sense. Firstly, she could sense the difference between humans and vampires without looking at them. Secondly, once a human or vampire was within her sensing range, she would be able to detect them. Thirdly, to her, everyone possessed a distinct presence and once she had memorized a presence, she would be able to pinpoint them only when they were in a sensing range.

An example was how she had been able to tell Mikaela Hyakuya was coming.

After that day, Mikaela had decided to create the 'Who's Coming Next Game?' which the younger  kids enjoyed. He did this so Nariko would be able to become closer to Ako, Fumie, Taichi, Kota and Chihiro.

The black haired girl wearing round shaped glasses asked, "how do you do it, Nari-nee-chan?"

Nariko ruffled her hair, "I told you; it is just an extra sense I was born with." She added, "It's somewhat like how we can feel when it is hot or cold and can tell them apart, naturally."

"Oh, does that mean your mommy or daddy have the same sense as you! Or was it just your mommy or just your daddy?" Fumie queried without thinking, saying the first thing that had popped into her mind.

Following after those interrogative sentences was an awkward silence.

She had too pondered if her mother or father had this peculiar trait. And she didn't ask her caretaker about it, because he wouldn't even give her the names of her father and mother, only telling her. "They were the Tanizaki couple."

"Erm. My daddy and mommy? I wonder that too. I never met them before."

Even at a young age, Fumie was able to understand. She was able to deduce Nariko was an orphan like them even before the virus had spred, that she had never met her parents. Like Fumie, everyone else was able to conclude that.

Tears rolled down Fumie cheeks, embracing Nariko's waist. "Don't cry! I shouldn't have asked that! I'm sorry Nari-nee-chan! Akane-nee-chan can be your mommy and Mika-nii-chan can be your daddy! We can all be family!"

Mikaela nodded his head, "okay. From the day on Nariko's apart of our family. The bigger the family the more better. We're family now Nari-chan."

"Yes!" The younger children happily agreed in a chorus.

Akane exclaimed, "welcome Nari-chan!"

"Do whatever you want." Yuichiro looked away.

Mikaela went over to Yuichiro. "Come on Yu-chan. Don't be like that."

Akane exclaimed, "I'll make an extra special dinner for this celebration!"

"Yay!" The younger children cheered.

"Fu-chan, Mika-kun, Akane-chan, Yu-kun, everyone, thank you!" Nariko smiled brightly, tilting her head to the side. Her red diamond shaped earring glimmered. Then she gently patted Fumie's head, wiped her tears then released her, walking over to Akane.

"Akane-chan, let me help you will dinner. I'll chop up some of the vegetables."

"WAIT-" Everyone yelled in sync but it was all too late.

"Owwww!" Nariko looked at the blood that was overflowing from her finger.

Akane turned on the faucet and placed Nariko's bleeding finger under the water.

"I'll go get the first aid kit." Mikaela went over to the cabinet.

"Nari, how much of an idiot are you?" Yuichiro quizzed. "You know you always get cut by sharp objects. Just stay away from them." The boy couldn't count how many times the girl had gotten injured by some type of blade (even those of a scissors) over the past three months.

Holding her hands behind her back, she tilted closer to Yuichiro and questioned in a tantalizing tone. "Are you worrying about me Yu-kun?"

"No, I just don't want your blood anywhere!" He retorted, his eyes emerald green eyes dashing from her crimson red ones, a red tint spreading over his cheeks.

Nariko giggled at his reaction.

Mikaela trotted over to Nariko who had been urged to take a seat by Akane, after teasing Yuichiro. He gently rubbed ointment onto her reddish throbbing finger, then securely wrapped a bandage around it, making sure that it was neither too tight or loose.


"Hey, Akane-chan." Nariko softly called as she snuggled closer under the warm blanket next to the girl who was the same as age her.


"How exactly blue is the sky?" She questioned, rolling on her side to face Akane. She had only seen illustrations and photographs from books and how it looked from the movies.

Akane giggled, countering with a question of her own. "Silly, I'm sure you haven't been down here that long that you wouldn't remember. How can you not remember how the sky looks like?"

"I've never seen it before personally, so how can I remember?"

Hearing this, Akane asked with concern laced in her voice, "wait Nari-chan, have you been down here from since you were a baby?"

Nariko nodded not noticing the worry in Akane's words then went on, "I always wondered how the sky looked. How the rain feels when splattering on your nose. Or how snow descend from the heavens. Does it really feel cold to touch? Is it really soft?"

Seeing that the red eyed girl didn't go into details about her past, Akane decided not to ask. She said. "Hold on, Nari-chan! I will try to answer all of your questions as best as I can."

And the girls continued on like this into the late of night, until they both were held prisoners by their dreams.

Hope you enjoyed!

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